
adj. 乐意的;心甘情愿的;自愿的


To win this case we need a sympathetic jury willing to acquit and a jury that can use the insanity plea as an excuse to do so.>>完整场景
The spirit is willing, but the esh is weak.>>完整场景
Is that a price you're willing to pay?>>完整场景
I always knew you had to be willing to die to even do this job -- not to be glorious. But I don't want to push my chips forward and go out and meet something I don't understand.>>完整场景
That's right. Whether it's a pit ofgrease in the desert or a human lifeit's all the same. We have to show we're willing to walk away.>>完整场景

Are you ticklish? You better watch it, he's gonna wet himself. Oh, I am willing to take that chance. (BOTH LAUGHING)
To succeed, he or she will have to find consensus in Parliament where I have not. Such a consensus can only be reached if those on all sides of the debate are willing to compromise. For many years the great humanitarian, Sir Nicholas Winton who saved the lives of hundreds of children by arranging their evacuation from Nazi-occupied Czecheslovakia through the Kindertransport, was my constituent in Maidenhead. At another time of political controversy a few years before his death, he took me to one side at a local event and give me a piece of advice. He said:"Never forget that compromise is not a dirty word. Life depends on compromise."He was right.>>完整场景
248.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.>>完整场景
Well, I'm going to tell you anyway. I did cheat on that exam at Groton. But so did twenty-six other guys, and nobody ever mentioned it until today. And I'm expecting you won't mention it again. I don't know who you are and where you're getting your information, but I'm willing to pretend I did not hear it, and let bygones be bygones. But can I tell you something else, it'd be nice to see the big guy without you next to him. What are you, his shadow? Do you hold his dick for him when he goes to take a leak? You know some- times somebody would like a few min- utes alone with W.P. That means without you. Okay, pal? Let's eat.INT. DINING ROOM, PARRISH TOWNHOUSE - NIGHT Everyone eating silently but looks are exchanged, glances averted, Allison notices Susan and Joe looking at each other, Drew observes Parrish watching Joe, Quince, on the other hand, just eats. Breaking the silence, Parrish chinks his glass, stands.>>完整场景