
adj. 结实的;率直的;粗鲁的


66 EXT. POOP DECK - NIGHT A few minutes later. Jack is being detained by the burly MASTER AT ARMS, the closest thing to a cop on board. He is handcuffing Jack. Cal is right in front of Jack, and furious. He has obviously just rushed out here with Lovejoy and another man, and none of them have coats over their black tie evening dress. The other man is COLONEL ARCHIBALD GRACIE, a mustachioed blowhard who still has his brandy snifter. He offers it to Rose, who is hunched over crying on a bench nearby, but she waves it away. Cal is more concerned with Jack. He grabs him by the lapels.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
Danny looks out the window again and sees Evelyn's beautiful form disappear around the corner, on her way back to the base hospital. Danny moves back to the table, and as two burly Hawaiian waiters set another full loaded mai-tai volcano onto the center of the table, he picks up a glass and dips it full of the potent liquid. He shouts to the whole room --
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
VIEW ON THE ENTRANCE The bustle is settling down; then Michael Corleone enters, and with him is someone very peculiar and out of keeping for this setting. A burly-chested imposing man of middle age.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
The proprietor of the cafe, VITELLI, is a short burly man; he greets them cheerfully, and sets a dish of chickpeas at their table.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
In a second, a patrol car makes a screaming turn in front of the hospital; then two more squad cars follow with uniformed POLICE and DETECTIVES. He smiles his relief and starts toward them. TWO huge, burly POLICEMEN suddenly grab his arms while ANOTHER frisks him. A massive POLICE CAPTAIN, spattered with gold braid and scrambled eggs on his hat, with beefy red face and white hair seems furious. This is McCLUSKEY.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
As the boat inched its way up the Arkansas, the brown river gradually narrowed, and as it narrowed the boatmen and whiskey traders grew more restless. They drank so much whiskey themselves that Elmira felt they would be lucky to have any left to sell. Though she often felt them watching her as she sat at the end of the boat, they let her alone. Only Bowler, the chief trader, ever spoke more than a word or two to her. Fowler was a burly man with a dirty yellow beard and one eyelid that wouldn’t behave. It twitched and jerked up and down erratically, so that looking at him was disconcerting: one minute he would be looking at you out of both eyes, and then the eyelid would droop and he would only be looking with an eye and a half.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
This is the first time we see David up close and in focus: stubble, long hair, blue bandanna, wire-rims, Frye boots, 6’2” and, at this time in his life, burly.
>> 旅行终点 The End of the Tour Movie Script
Striker asks the burly LONGSHOREMAN next to him to to pinch him. Longshoreman gives him a look and moves away cautiously.
>> 飞机 Airplane! Movie Script
Okay, who gets the Burly Beef?
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
Who gets the Burly Burger?
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
When the hurly-burly's done.
>> Macbeth Movie Script