
n. 谅解,理解;理解力;协议


I expect, then, we can come to some sort of understanding.
>> Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest 加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺Movie Script
- We can swim around the ship all we want, but until we really have an understanding of what's going on inside, we really don't know how long the ship is going to last.
>> Pearl Harbor: Into The Arizona 珍珠港:亚利桑那号探秘(2016) Movie Script
We had an underlying understanding, you wouldn't act like a goddamn crazy man!
>> The Big Short大空头(2015) Movie Script
- We have an understanding.
>> The Godfather: Part III 教父 3 1990 Movie Script
VIEW ON PENTANGELI catching Hagen's eye. It's as though he is pleading for some kind of understanding of the fact that he has become a traitor.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
Slowly, understanding, Fredo backs away from his brother, taking the kiss another way.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
(he shakes his head) It was my understanding we left all that behind. But, let me tell you, the important thing is that you're all right. Good health is the most important thing; more than success; more than power; more than money.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
Wrong understanding of the truth, won't destroy the truth itself.
>> 直觉是你的导师
You're more understanding than your father was.
>> 1900 Movie Script
SAN DE (CONT'D) That is the Golden Sash, the highest honor of the temple. It is awarded to the monk who has attained the pinnacle of understanding.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
Trevor looks at him for a moment, not really understanding, then sees what the psychologist is saying. He lunges immediately forward and (in SLOW MOTION) knocks the guy out while he is still trying to pull his pants up.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
Troublesome is the Bodhi, since understanding is confusing.
>> 新少林寺 Shaolin (2011)Movie Script
Congratulations, Billy I trust you will be a good Mayor As a new Mayor, I proclaim in name of friendship and understanding that from this day on, this area of Fort Stockton will be known as China Town I know you will be a good leader, like Lincoln Farewell, Yellow I'm not Yellow My name is Wong Fai-hong A name is just a name You'll always be our brother Come on!
>> 西域雄狮 Once Upon a Time in China and America Movie Script
But he was convinced that Indians understood the moon. He had never talked with an Indian about it, but he knew they had more names for it than white people had, and that suggested a deeper understanding. The Indians were less busyand would naturally have more time to study such things. It had always seemed to Deets that it was lucky for the whites that the Indians had never gained full control over the moon. He had dreamed once, after the terrible battle of Fort Phantom Hill, that the Indians had managed to move the moon over by one of those little low hills that were all over west Texas. They had got it to pause by the edge of a mountain so they could leap their horses onto it. It still occurred to him at times that such a thing might have happened, and that there were Comanches or possibly Kiowa riding around on the moon. Often, when the moon was full and yellow, and close to the earth, he got the strong feeling that Indians were on it.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
As I grew up, whenever I met one who seemed clear-sighted, to find out if he was a person of true understanding, I would show him my first drawing.
>> 小王子1974 The Little Prince Movie Script
- I presume our understanding is still valid?
>> 创:战纪 TRON: Legacy Movie Script
2. Consolidate the information concisely onto a flashcard/some other place for long term retention: Once we really understand a topic to be able to explain the core principles without having to use jargon, we should hold onto that understanding. Unfortunately, a large portion of that information that we just gathered is lost within first 48 hours after learning. So note it down somewhere before you lose it. Optimize for spaced-repetition for next sessions.
>> 2305-My English Record in Daily Work and Life
I'm not any sort of authority on any sort of “program.” But from my very limited outside understanding, people who have been in it for a while: you could snort cocaine off the back of your hand and they’re okay.
>> 旅行终点 The End of the Tour Movie Script
And I realize I was well beyond my conscious understanding.
>> Senna Movie Script
Ma’am, it’s... COLONEL POWELL: It is my understanding that, in these circumstances, your calculation can only be speculation. That puts you beyond any culpability.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
Angela, we have a Memorandum of Understanding between our two governments that covers us in a situation where a citizen chooses to align themselves with a terrorist organization.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
Understanding, the blacksmith raises his hammer toward the soldiers; but he is stabbed in the back by the jailer, and the soldiers skewer the two guards who helped him. A soldier lifts the jeweled key from the hand of a dead guard.
>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script
In appreciation of your understanding and for that delicious double bed.
>> 水性杨花 Easy Virtue Movie Script
84.William Rainey Harper lured him to the new university of Chicago, where he remained officially for exactly a generation and where his students in advanced composition found him terrifyingly frigid in the classroom but sympathetic and understanding in their personal conferences.
>> 托福100个句子积累7000个单词
Understanding Ballistics, Improvised Munitions, Explosives: Step By Step, Guerrilla Warfare, Neurochemistry, Thrown Weapons Handbook, 101 Sucker Punches... (laughs) Looks like you're starting a war.
>> 蝙蝠侠:元年 Batman: Year One Movie Script