
n. 管道系统;尖声;笛声


(into the radio) Piping...okay... following the piping. It goes back up the stairs and across the stairs... following the stairs.
>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
She had on this little blue suit -- with a little white collar that had little red piping on it -- Joe is riveted on Parrish ow, Parrish aware of him, has paused. PARRISH (cont'd) You could have put her under glass and I would have just stood and looked at her. But when she spoke -- I loved the sound of her voice and her laugh -- (a moment) -- I couldn't get enough of her -- and gradually -- or maybe it wasn't gradually -- I realized I couldn't live without her. A KNOCK, the door opens and Drew enters, looks at Parrish, then at Joe, stands poised in the doorway.
>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script