
adj. 白花花的;闪亮的;闪耀的


118 OMITTED 119 INT. BOILER ROOM SIX The furnaces roar, silhouetting the glistening stokers. Jack kisses Rose's face, tasting the sweat trickling down from her forehead. They kiss passionately in the steamy, pounding darkness.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
NIGHTCLUB (WINTER 1945) The main floor of the Nightclub is very large, with endless glistening wooden floors. Now, at this late time, the chairs have been stacked on the tables and a NEGRO JANITOR is waxing them. A single HAT-CHECK GIRL is counting her receipts. LUCA moves past the empty bandstand, and sits at the bar. ANOTHER MAN, dark and very well-built, moves behind the bar.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
The image changes, to another close-up, this one of a tree branch, its bark glistening with golden sap. Mr. DNA leaps on the sap.
>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
JORDAN (V.O.) Seven acres on the Gold Coast of Long Island- EXT./INT. JORDAN’S ESTATE - DAY (APR ‘93) 115-115K Various shots -- the massive house; the glistening pool; waterfall; fountains; tennis court; driving range; gazebo; gym; sauna; library; media room.
>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
Glistening medals attached to front of jacket create a dazzling field of ribbons and medallions.
>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
Gordy's eyes go to something glistening in front of theyoung man -- a taut nylon line ten inches off the ground.
>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
In the beam of the flashlight her hand is glistening with blood.
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
Left eyes glistening with imbedded glass shards.
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
In F.G., two Conan-esque arms thrust upward, glistening.
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
41 INT. WEIGHT ROOM 41 SEVERAL ANGLES, on glistening arms, legs, torsos merging into bio-mechanical kinetic sculptures with the chrome-steel levers and tubes. The CRASH and SQUEAL of metal against metal.
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
2A/FX CRANE SHOT - SCHOOLYARD/CITY - NIGHT 2A/FX CAMERA MOVES UP as Terminator approaches the schoolyard fence beyond which is an embankment rolling down in darkness to the cityscape below. The school is perched at the edge of a pro- montory offering a respectable view of the urban sprawl teem- ing and glistening under a sullen sky. The night clouds are shot through with occasional flashes of LIGHTNING, presaging a thunderstorm.
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
The ball continues, the music exuberant. Michelle wanders away, like a blind lamb. Phillippe and his mother sit side by side, holding hands, their reunion passing in private between their clasped hands, and glistening in their eyes.
>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script
On the ground is the fresh trail of blood, the glistening drops already dry at the periphery. But this trail is crossed by another trail of blood. Drier.
>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script