
n. 雇工;男人;人;人类;丈夫


An SS man, ZICK-ZACK (his nickname), with a whip, approaches Szpilman.
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A good man. His orders were to follow the trains out of Warsaw.
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Terrified, they obey. He stands over them and, one by one, shoots them. When he comes to Benek, the seventh man, his pistol runs out of ammunition. He changes the clip, shoots Benek and marches off.
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Young SS man turns to those on the left.
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The column halts before a young SS man, wild-eyed, with his sleeves rolled up and wielding a pistol. He talks excitedly to the policemen then turns, walks along the column dividing them up: some men to the right, others, seven of them, to the left. Benek he orders to the left, Szpilman to the right.
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Her young man is puzzled; she points.
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EXT. STREET BY THE SIDING - DAY Szpilman catches his breath by a building. An SS man and Jewish policeman emerge. The Jewish policeman is servile, crawling to the German. He points to the train - JEWISH POLICEMAN Well, off they go for meltdown!
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Another man, Grun, joins in.
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Szpilman turns to see a man, DR. EHRLICH, haranguing Father.
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A young man, beside her, whispers to her, but she does not seem to take in what he's saying. Her cries continue at intervals.
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Szpilman, shabby and unshaven, hurries along and meets Jehuda Zyskind coming towards him, accompanied by the small man, Majorek.
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If that means good day, I'm your man, you gangsters, robbers, pirates!
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RUBINSTEIN, a ragged, dishevelled little man, Chaplinesque, waving a stick, hopping and jumping, approaches the Germans outside the bureau.
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Szpilman watches, rooted to the spot. The ragged old man stares at the can, lets out a groan, more like a whimper, and throws himself full length in the slush, licking the soup up from the pavement. The poor woman starts to howl, kicking the old man and tearing at her hair in despair.
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The ragged old man suddenly lunges forward and tries to grab the can from the poor woman. They struggle desperately.
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Szpilman waits and watches, and then a POOR WOMAN passes, carrying a can wrapped in newspaper followed by a RAGGED OLD MAN, dragging himself along. He's shivering with cold, his shoes with holes show his purple feet.
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People I know. They said you're an important man.
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(to an elderly man nearest him) What's happening?
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The man drops from the wall, dead. The SS men get into the vehicle and speed off, driving over the dead bodies.
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But there's a floodlight on the SS vehicle. It flares into light, swivels and finds the man. A volley of shots.
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The escaping man, a silhouette, out of the light, runs with all his strength, putting distance between himself and the SS. He starts to scale a wall. He looks as though he's getting away.
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One man escapes by running back in the opposite direction, out of the beam of light and is lost to sight for a moment.
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Szpilman's and Henryk 's POV - the apartment opposite: The SS men throw the old man in his wheelchair over the balcony. He seems to hang in the air for a second then drops out of the chair and out of sight. But there's a terrible thud as his body hits the pavement and a clatter as the wheelchair follows him.
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The old man in the wheelchair grips the arms of the chair and tries desperately to stand. But he can't. Without warning, the SS men seize the chair with the old man in it, carry him out on to the balcony.
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The family rise to their feet fast, except for the old man in the wheelchair. The NCO bears down on him.
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