
adj. 令人厌恶的;患病的


Panicking people leap from the poop deck rail, fall screaming and hit the water like mortar rounds. A man falls from the poop deck, hitting the bronze hub of the starboard propeller with a sickening smack.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
She feels a sickening personal relationship with her now - because she is in a position to manipulate her fate.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
REPORTER’S VOICE Somali Al-Shabaab militants have posted this picture of an unnamed man they say they have executed in Nairobi. The group claims he was working for British military intelligence attempting to infiltrate their international recruitment networks. Al-Shabaab want to impose their strict version of Sharia law across the horn of Africa. They bitterly resent the role of Britain and the Kenyan military in propping up the UN backed Somali government in Mogadishu. The Ministry of Defense has declined to comment, but denounced the execution as “sickening.” Affected, but stoic, POWELL watches in icy silence.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
That was the most sickening dispIay - I've ever seen.
>> The Mask Movie Script
— and kicks the stricken, laughing FLASS in the ribs producing a sickening crunch.
>> 蝙蝠侠:元年 Batman: Year One Movie Script
She looks around once more but the Young Man is still headed in the opposite direction, his back to her. She turns the corner and continues on. ON THE YOUNG MAN Approaching the corner, he looks back for Susan yet again, but she is gone, still turned he steps off into the street and a hospital supplies truck, speeding down the curb lane, HITS HIM BROADSIDE, a horrific impact, the THUD echoes as his body arcs through the air. Another sickening THUD as it lands, the Young Man lies crumpled, still.
>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script