
adj. 公平的;美丽的,白皙的;晴朗的


Congratulations on winning the science fair.>>完整场景
The National Science Fair first prize gold medal... goes to Homer Hickam, Quentin Wilson, Roy Lee Cook and Sherman O'Dell, Big Creek High School, McDowell County, West Virginia.>>完整场景
The fair will be open to the public over the next two days.>>完整场景
Visitors to the fair will include prominent members of every branch... of the national scientific community.>>完整场景
You do intend to enter the county science fair, do you not?>>完整场景
And I believed that if you boys won that science fair, got scholarships, went off and did something great with your lives, somehow my life would have counted for something.>>完整场景
It will only further inspire me to keep working... toward our all-important goal of entering that science fair this spring.>>完整场景
[Chuckling] What you think about gettin' in that science fair now?>>完整场景
Your father is a fair man.>>完整场景
God's honest truth, Homer, what are the chances... of a bunch of kids from Coalwood... actually winnin' the National Science Fair?>>完整场景
I got about as much chance of winnin' that science fair... as you do winnin' a football scholarship.>>完整场景
Man, we should be tryin' to get in that science fair... instead of sittin' around here like a bunch of hillbillies.>>完整场景
[Whistle Blowing] Well, Youngstown's always been fair, Otis, [Chuckling] But you're askin' me to lay off damn near half the town.>>完整场景
College scholarships for winning a science fair?>>完整场景
You know, the winners go on to the National Science Fair in Indianapolis, and colleges from all over the country hand out scholarships.>>完整场景
That science fair is rigged.>>完整场景
You know, the boys are thinkin' about enterin' that county science fair.>>完整场景
Uh, last year I built an internal combustion engine... and entered it in the science fair.>>完整场景
Figured you were looking into me, was only fair. Plus you sail on ayacht fit for a Bond villain, sometimes you gotta act the part.>>完整场景
And it's a fair contest.>>完整场景
No, you won this, fair and square.>>完整场景
I brought it along. You won, fair and square. I'll pay you generously.>>完整场景
So that's another fertilizer story that we were... Again, this kind of goes back a fair ways for me.>>完整场景
It's not fair, all those other guys getting to go off and fight while I'm stuck in this lousy little town listening to lectures about Emily who-the-heck-cares Dickinson!>>完整场景
- It's not fair.>>完整场景