adj. 反射的;得自他人的
- 67 INT. ROSE'S BEDROOM - NIGHT As she undresses for bed Rose sees Cal standing in her doorway, reflected in the cracked mirror of her vanity. He comes toward her.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- He spins the plane in an easy half turn, inverting their heads above Pearl Harbor, gorgeous in the moonlight, the battleships aglow, the moon reflected in the peaceful water, embraced by the island of Oahu.
他轻松地将飞机转了半个弯,将他们的头倒在珍珠港上空,在月光下闪闪发光,战舰闪闪发光,月亮映在平静的水面上,被瓦胡岛环绕。>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script- The first people he saw, as he approached Nebraska, were five young Indians who had gotten liquor somewhere. When they saw he was carrying a dead man they let him alone, though they were too drunk to hunt successfully and begged him for food. None of them looked to be eighteen, and their horses were poor. Call started to refuse, but then he reflected that they were just boys. He offered them food if they would give up their liquor, but at that they grew quarrelsome. One drew an old pistol and acted as if he might fire at him, but Call ignored the threat, and they were soon gone.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “I doubt it,” Augustus said. “That woman had two or three chances to marry me already, and she didn’t take them. She’s an independent type, like you used to be.” That was so, Lorena reflected. She had been quite independent, but now all she could think of was keeping Gus. She wasn’t ashamed, though. He was worth keeping.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “Oh, shush,” Clara said. “The sun’s just been up five minutes.” She reflected that perhaps that was what she had held back—she had never become proficient at early rising, despite all the practice she’d had. She had got up dutifully and made breakfast for Bob and whatever hands happened to be there, but she was not at her best, and the breakfasts seldom arrived on the table in the orderly fashion that Bob expected. It was a relief to her when he went away on horse-trading expeditions and she could sleep late, or just lie in bed thinking and reading the magazines she ordered from the East or from England.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “Jasper missed the cobbler, that’s the laugh,” Allen O’Brien said, not feeling too frisky himself. “I used to be better at hangovers, back in Ireland. Of course, then I had one every day,” he reflected. “I had more practice.” When Jasper realized he had missed a dewberry cobbler, one of his favorite dishes, he threatened to quit the outfit, since they were so ungrateful. But he was too weak to carry out his threat. Po Campo forced him to eat a big spoonful of molasses as a headache cure, while the rest of the crew got the herd on the move.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- 98INTCONTROL ROOMDAY The mood in the room is hopeless. MALCOLM, his wounds bandaged, but in real pain, hangs around with ELLIE and MULDOON, hoping for some development while RAY ARNOLD is still at the computer terminal and looking a mess, he doggedly sorts through the computer system's lines of code. One. By one. By one. They BLIP by, reflected in his glasses. He turns and stares up at HAMMOND with a look of absolute incredulity on his face.>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
- He exits. Myrtle waits. Looks at herself, bemused, reflected in a glass-fronted cabinet. Even does a curtsey.>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
- Reflected in a full length mirror, Bertie tells himself: TKS/Seidler/09/17/08 3.>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
- We PUSH IN on the Old Woman’s glass eye, where we see... YOUNG EDWARD: reflected. This is what he saw.>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
- MATCH CUT TO: EXT. WITCH’S HOUSE / GATE - NIGHT [FLASHBACK] The same image of Don’s dead face on the tile is reflected in The Eye.>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
- TIGHT ON SARAH, reflected in the mirror. In the F.G. a man at the bar looks up from his beer, straight into her eyes.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- 27 EXT. PARKING LOT - DAY 27 TIGHT ON CAR SIDE WINDOW, as a figure approaches, reflected in the glass. A fist punches through the window, shattering it. The thief unlocks the door and gets behind the wheel.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- 3.Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions.>> 托福100个句子积累7000个单词
- O-REN'S FEET White socks in wooden clogs, walk forward, Crunching Snow underneath them... The BRIDE Holding Sword...Eyes reflected in Blade...her Yellow Sneakers Crunching snow underneath them... O-REN when her Sword is fully unsheathed, the Japanese combat artist holds both arms straight out at her sides, Sword in one hand - Wood sheath in the other, like a bird. .The Two Women circle each other.... They SWING - CLASH - DANCE - SEPARATE...CIRCLE...SWING - CLASH - DANCE - SEPARATE... O-REN LEAPS in the air does a Somersault over the Bride's head, landing behind her opponent. She brings her Sword down in a Slashing Swing... SLASHING The BRIDE across her back - Spinning her around... O-Ren goes in for the kill...The Bride meets her blade... The Blades Clash and Lock...The Two Women's faces come together as the Blades become entangled... O-Ren moves her arm in a counter-clockwise motion that loosens the grip enough to bring her sword handle hard into The Bride's mouth... Knocking her backwards over a small, stone bench - Flat on her ass in a koi pond.>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
- COMBAT MUSIC BEGINS PLAYING, but not Japanese drums - Spanish Flamenco Guitar....... The Bride Unsheaths her Sword Quickly...Holding it out in front of her...Tip of Blade pointed at O-Ren...Sword's Handle and her Fingers wrapped around that handle, up by her cheek...Her eyes are Reflected on the Blade...Snow falls around her.>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
- Breathe in(Bride) - Breathe out(Lioness) - Breathe in (Bride) - Breathe out(Lioness) ..... The Bride rises to her feet... The Crazy 7 move in a circle around The Bride, she moves in a circle inside of their circle, all eight of them move in rhythm with the Metal... The Heavy Metal Music builds....to a big finish...THEN both Music and The Bride Explode! WIDE SHOT - FRAMED LIKE A KABUKI STAGE With the lights off, The White paper wall the eight killers fight in front of turns a Psychedelic Bright Blue. The snow falling outside is reflected against the paper wall like black snow falling on a blue shadow puppet stage.>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
- Holding her sword in the diagonal position, The Bride can see reflected in the shiny blade, whoever stands behind her.>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
- The BRIDE Inside the circle of Combatants who surrounded her. She Whips the sword out of the floor and raises her blade diagonally in front of her. Her eyes are reflected in the shiny steel.>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
- And the rocket's red glare The bombs bursting in air Gave proof through the night That our flag was still there Now it catches the gleam Of the morning's first beam in full glory reflected Now shines in the stream And conquer we must When our cause, it is just And this be our motto in God we trust Oh, say, does that Star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free And the home Of the Brave Home of the brave I've gotten so sick and tired of listening to What you've got to say I decided I just got to stand up and say so Sick and tired of being sick and tired of Being sick and tired of being treated this way So I've made my choice, gonna raise my voice and say ''it's time for you to pack up and go'' You know who you are, you lying so-and-so And so I'm gonna stand up and say so I'm gonna stand up and say so I'm gonna stand up and say so We're gonna stand up and say so I know you're lyin', 'cause your lips are moving There's no use tryin' 'Cause you've made him prove it My opinion of you it's time that you should pack up and go I'm gonna stand up and say so I'm gonna stand up and say so I'm gonna stand up and say so We're gonna stand up and say so I've gotten sick and tired of you stealing my money To pay for jet airplanes and limousines For crying out loud, you think it's funny You and Bubba living above my means At Chappaqua, living like kings and queens I've gotten so sick and tired of listening to What you've got to say I decided I just got to stand up and say so Sick and tired of being sick and tired of Being sick and tired of being treated this way So I've made my choice, gonna raise my voice and say ''it's time for you to pack up and go'' You know who you are, you lying so-and-so And so I'm gonna stand up and say so I'm gonna stand up and say so I'm gonna stand up and say so We're gonna stand up and say so I'm gonna stand up and say so I'm gonna stand up and say so I'm gonna stand up and say so We're gonna stand up and say so We're gonna stand up and say so We're gonna stand up and say so We're gonna stand up and say so We're gonna stand up and say so So, how will you know when you have become an American?>> 希拉里的美国:民主党的秘密历史Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party Movie Script
- As the lock cylinder slowly recedes, reflected shapes scramble inside it and slide up its curve. Before the door is fully open we cut around:>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script
- The curved brass of its hollow interior holds a reflection of the motel room exterior. Lights and shapes. The curvature distorts to unrecognizability what is reflected, but we see the color of Sheriff Bell's uniform.>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script
- You performed well. This will be reflected in your year-end bonus.>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script
- INT. LIMOUSINE -- ROME -- NIGHT Little Paul wakes up in the back of another limousine. The other kids gaze amazedly out the window, their breath foggingthe glass. Reflected in the window is the Roman coliseum.>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script
- She gazes longingly at the window display of a woman in ansapphire evening gown... and then we RACK FOCUS to the motherwith three kids reflected in the glass.>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script