

122INTVISITOR'S CENTERDAY GRANT, TIM, and LEX come into the deserted visitor's center. A large sign that says "When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth. . ." droops overhead. Grant now carries Tim, who is weakened but conscious.
>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
As you may have guessed... Churchill is silent. Balwin waits, then: BALDWIN (CONT'D) ...I intend to resign. The Royal scandal has weakened my position considerably.
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OFF them, as the copper recedes upriver... 318 EXT. RIVER - DAWN 318 Gordy and Selena float side-by-side, still holding ontothe cans. Mauro's asleep on Gordy's back, his armsaround Gordy's neck. Weakened by her wound, Selena keepsbobbing below the surface. Gordy pulls her up.
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