
n. 黏液;烂泥


Filth! Slime! Muck! Boo! Boo!
>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
ANCIENT BOOER: Your true love lives and you marry another -- (to the crowd) -- True love saved her in the Fire Swamp, and she treated it like garbage. And that's what she is, the Queen of Refuse! So, bow down to her if you want. Bow to her. Bow to the Queen of Slime, the Queen of Filth, the Queen of Putrescence. Boo! Boo! Rubbish!
>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
Of course they can't answer. They just keep using the same "phrase." Ready to ditch Billy's camera bag in order to climb higher -- he's had to hold it by the strap -- Grant finds his hand covered with a runny slime. He looks down at the camera bag, and that's the source. It's oozing out the bottom.
>> 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script
That you're slime.
>> 我有话要说Pump Up the Volume Movie Script
Scum, slime, menace to the golfing industry!
>> 疯狂高尔夫 Caddyshack Movie Script