
adv. 可怜地;悲伤地


I want to go over some takedowns before we end for the day. I'll need a partner... He scans the group, and then points to Drew. Drew smiles ruefully, walks to the front and bows to D.S.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
108 INT. LIPSKY'S WEST END AVE APT/OFFICE - NYC - 2008 - NIGHT 108 Lipsky, listening to David’s voice, smiles ruefully.
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the sign on the pump:
NO GAS. Chace smiles ruefully.
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On a distant fringe of the party, a grass terrace that still commands a view of the dance floor, is Joe. His eyes are on Parrish and Susan, he watches them admiringly yet ruefully. A Waiter passes, catches sight of Joe, stops.
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