
adj. 同意的;通过协议的


And he made me an offer. To let me go if I agreed to never see my son again. I expressed myself –>>完整场景
We all agreed it was the right thing to do... 124EXT -- FIELDS -- DAY (1954) 124 Low hilly terrain all around. A HUNDRED CONS are at work in the fields. GUARDS patrol with carbines, keeping a sharp eye.>>完整场景
They finally agreed to stop filibustering it so it could pass.>>完整场景
(a beat) Getty has agreed to loan his son the ransom up to the amount that is taxdeductible.>>完整场景
So I am today announcing that I will resign as leader of the Conservative and Unionist Party on Friday 7th of June so that successor can be chosen. I have agreed with the party chairman and the chairman of the 1922 committee that the process for electing a new leader should begin in the following week. I have kept Her Majesty the Queen fully informed for my intentions and I will continue to serve as her Prime Minister until the process has conclued.>>完整场景
The Treasury Department asked my cooperation in his undercover investigation of John Bontecou. They were convinced that Bontecou, on past deals, had structured his mergers and acquisitions in sus- picious and complicated ways so as to evade paying the taxes he is liable for. The IRS wanted to go after him, and this deal offered them the opportunity. (a moment) I agreed to cooperate.>>完整场景
I don't know where you get that idea -- the Board agreed -->>完整场景