
abbr. 核磁共振成像(Magnatic Resonance Imaging);机读信息(Machine Readable Information);中等度肾功能不全(Moderate Renal Insufficiency)


I have the MRI on Thursday, that'll give us some closure.
>> 反物质 Anti Matter Movie Script
You've got an MRI scan in two weeks.
>> 反物质 Anti Matter Movie Script
(points) Yeah... The Protagonist turns to see HIMSELF on the other side of the glass, MOVING IN REVERSE, wheeling KAT ‘TOWARDS’ THE VAULT DOOR – Let’s go! IVES (CONT'D) Ives OPENS the door – the Protagonist takes one last look at his backwards self ‘entering’ the machine, then STEPS INSIDE – We follow him in as the door SHUTS behind him – he puts his back to the wall – the machine starts CLANKING like an MRI – the door opens on the other side – he STEPS OUT... To see Ives struggling with Kat – he moves to help – Neil is already there (first in, last out).
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script