
adj. 有城墙的


31 EXT. SUBURB - PARKLANDS - NAIROBI - MORNING 31 A street of middle income houses within walled compounds.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
Beyond the safety and privacy of the walled family compound, militia hang out on street corners and guard unofficial checkpoint barriers on neighbourhood entrances, making it a no-go area for the Kenyan police.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
Sator returns a toast from a grinning guest. Reaches a greasy palm to the Protagonist’s cheek, as if in friendliness... SATOR (CONT'D) There’s a walled garden up the road. We’re going to take you there, cut your throat, not across, in the middle, like a hole. Then we take your balls, stuff them in the cut, block the windpipe.
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
SIRENS. BANGS! Priya looks over to see POLICE CARS arriving far below, in the WALLED YARD at the foot of her house... PRIYA (CONT'D) You’d better get out of here.
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
EXT. LOW ROOFTOP NEXT DOOR TO HIGH-RISE HOUSE – CONTINUOUS Neil and the Protagonist race across the roof carrying a sports bag. Neil pulls out a WINCH, the Protagonist pulls out a large CATAPULT, loops it around two pipes, glancing down into the WALLED YARD at the foot of the high-rise house.
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