
adv. 向前地;继续着;作用中,行动中


My whole department is long on this stuff.>>完整场景
You're like d-d- Dora the explorering, you're the first person who has found this... So.. Hold on..>>完整场景
I ordered my fish on Friday, which is the mortgage bond that Michael burry shorted.>>完整场景
Ok, I'm a chef on a Sunday-afternoon setting the menu of a big restaurant.>>完整场景
Alright... You think we just warehouse it on the books?>>完整场景
Alright... Let me put it this way... I'm standing in front of a burning house, and I'm offering you fire insurance on it how can these underlying bonds be... As bad as you say?>>完整场景
It's like insurance on the bond, and if it goes bust, you can make 10-to-1.>>完整场景
The lowest rated Bs getting paid last, taking on defaults first.>>完整场景
A few people have us in, just to laugh at me on this deal, is that you?>>完整场景
Which is why you're here talking to us on the wrong number?>>完整场景
And then... and then... cause he wanted the one on the eighth floor.>>完整场景
Almost as large as another testicle on itself so get this... Cynthia..>>完整场景
So now we pay up premiums on these swaps against housing-market until the mortgages fail?>>完整场景
I didn't know there were swaps on mortgages there are now, we made it for him!>>完整场景
We're prepared to sell you 5 million in credit default swaps on these mortgage bonds.>>完整场景
Em.. I have prospectuses on, six mortgage-backed securities I want to show you whispers the majority of them are accepted mortgages.>>完整场景
whispersListen.. I don't think this will work... whispers the market on housing is never gonna crash whispers this is all rock-solid by now whispers it wouldn't even if we wanted it to.>>完整场景
Based on... prevailing sentiment of the market and banks, and popular culture... Yes, it's a foolish investment.>>完整场景
I wanna buy... Swaps on mortgage bonds credit default swap, that will pay off... If the underlying... Bond fails.>>完整场景
Hold on!>>完整场景
Later Baum started his own fund on wall-street.>>完整场景
I don't think they even know what they've made the housing market is propped up on these bad loans.>>完整场景
Pay on time.>>完整场景
Hold on... Hold on..>>完整场景
I guess I'll go find a desk. Is there anything you want me to work on for start?>>完整场景