
adj. 相配的;敌得过的


San De walks away, and the disciples are split into several "platoons". Drew is matched up with the Drill Sergeant, and Gao is also in his group.
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She stood at the window a minute studying him. To her he seemed not much older. His hair had already turned white when he was young. He had always made her feel keen, Gus—his appetite for talk matched hers. She stood for a moment in the kitchen doorway, a smile on her lips. Just seeing him made her feel keen. She was in the shadows and he had not seen her. Then she took a step or two and Augustus looked around. Their eyes met and he smiled.
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When any two girls are matched up there' an expectation of which will win based on their current rating.
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56.Perfectly matched pearls, strung into a necklace, bring a far higher price than the same pearls told individually.
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What was kind of adding more insult to injury-- it took us almost two or three years and hiring a private attorney to actually find out that we matched a meat recall.
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Pai Mei laughs to himself again; PAI MEI * You breathe hard. The one hundred steps robbed you of your wind. So your stupidity is matched only by your weakness. Is there anything you do well? -- Oh yes, you speak Japanese. I despise the Goddamn Japs. I would of thought an American would be immune to their pompous posturing. Apparently I was wrong. Go to that drawer.
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Yes, the prints on the gun matched those of Carl Lee Hailey.
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