
adj. 古代的;古老的,过时的;年老的


"From this day forth, all Jungars and enemies of the Kazakhs must know that from the Tian-Shan Mountains to the Aral Sea lies a land that has been inhabited by the Kazakhs since ancient times.>>完整场景
- You've read the ancient text?>>完整场景
VITELLI VILLAGE CHURCH Church bells in an ancient belfry ring out. Music, old and dissonant, plays.>>完整场景
They move down ancient steps, past an old stone fountain.>>完整场景
So haunting, so ahead of its time it's practically ancient.>>完整场景
Let me check. We just exited the warp zone, so this should be... It says these are ancient ruins.>>完整场景
Drew makes an acrobatic catch and then flicks it back to Li, harder than he should have. It heads for an ancient statue and smacks it dead center, right in the face.>>完整场景
This sure beats sweeping... ANGLE ON FRISBEE Floating past temple statues and ancient Chinese decorations, barely missing them.>>完整场景
And, as we all know, "to blave" means "to bluff." So you're probably playing cards, and he cheated A WOMAN'S VOICE -- Liar -- LIAR-LI-A-A-AR -- VALERIE, an ancient fury, storms out of a back room and toward MIRACLE MAX: -- get back, witch -->>完整场景
CLOSE-UP - THE ANCIENT BOOER Louder and louder and LOUDER she shrieks vituperation at Buttercup, reaching out her old hands toward Buttercup's throat, and Buttercup is as frightened now as Dorothy was when the Witch went after her in "The Wizard of Oz", and suddenly,>>完整场景
THE CROWD: SOMEONE IS BOOING! The BOOING gets louder as an ANCIENT WOMAN approaches Buttercup through the crowd, BOOING every step of the way.>>完整场景
They killed a lot of people And with thanks to the ancient gods.>>完整场景
The doorknob is ancient brass, two projections that look likehorns. Yet Edward extends his hand, reaching closer andcloser before he finally RINGS THE DOORBELL.>>完整场景
And after a moment of placid quiet-- ---BOOSHI Two razor thin skulls explode out from under the bridge for the final, agonizing hundred-meter stretch of the ancient and prestigious Henley Royal Regatta.>>完整场景
Absolutely ancient.>>完整场景
474. The efficient ancient scientist had conscience in science.>>完整场景
Ancient man ... Being sun worshipers.>>完整场景
Your war record? You're the only one keeping that alive. For everyone else it's ancient history.>>完整场景
144 EXT. MOMPOS JAIL - NIGHT 144 The building's ancient, constructed of wood and adobe.>>完整场景
I've read at school that the London Eye is built on an ancient magical site.>>完整场景
Inches from its eyes he fixes it with a gaze of uncompromis- ing dominance. Some ancient communication seems to pass between the two.>>完整场景
The wee foIk and the grown foIk Who wander to and fro Have ways known to their own foIk We throne-foIk don't know When aII the doIdrums begin What keeps each of them in his skin What ancient native custom Provides the needed gIow Oh, what Do simpIe foIk do?>>完整场景
I got the Latin and the Sanskrit... but then they canceled my Ancient Greek.>>完整场景
Other expeditions have found that the area around Z'ha'dum is mined with traps and ancient defense systems.>>完整场景
50.The ancient Hopewell people of North America probably cultivated corn and other crops, but hunting and gathering were still of critical importance in their economy。>>完整场景