
n. 门厅,走廊;会堂;食堂;学生宿舍


I'd been living in a hall of mirrors.>>完整场景
Sure... mom, who sleeps in a cubicle at the end of the hall, is to blame for our problems.>>完整场景
That was some fast running you did down the hall, son.>>完整场景
The three went to the side of the customs hall... took out pieces of their rifles, and quickly assembled them.>>完整场景
120 INT. DANCE HALL - BLOOMINGTON - 1996 - SUNSET 120 Lipsky imagines, in slow-motion, David dancing joyously, sweating like crazy, with members of the church the night Lipsky left, the night that began the rest of his life.>>完整场景
David doesn’t respond. Lipsky watches him petulantly go downthe hall to his room.>>完整场景
73 INT. HOTEL WHITNEY/CORRIDOR/DAVID'S ROOM - MINNEAPOLIS - 199673 -MORNING Lipsky leaves his room and goes down the hall to collect David. He knocks on his door. Listens. TV sounds from inside. Knocks again.>>完整场景
32 INT. ISU CAMPUS/LIBRARY CORRIDOR - BLOOMINGTON - 1996 - DUSK 32 Lipsky and David walk down the hall after class.>>完整场景
100. In the hall, the shallow challenger shall be allowed to swallow the swallows.>>完整场景
100. 在大厅里,肤浅的挑战者将被允许吞下燕子。
There's a bathroom down the hall.>>完整场景
He hits the other side running. Drives a shoulder into the door at the end of the hall.>>完整场景
FIREFIGHTER #1 End of the hall.>>完整场景
189 INT. HALL - SCHOOL - BEIJING - NIGHT 189 KEN STANITZKE talks on the phone, trying to conceal his anger from his hosts.>>完整场景
187 INT. HALL - SCHOOL - BEIJING - NIGHT 187 Rows of table tennis tables fill a large hall. Dozens of Chinese adolescents in red training shirts are crowded around a central table where KEN STANITZKE, the US Secretary of State, is playing a friendly match with a CHINESE JUNIOR OLYMPIAN PLAYER.>>完整场景
Across the hall, AGENT ATIENO, unseen, watches Rasheed leaving with DRIVER TWO. Rasheed has his cell phone out and it looks like he is typing A TEXT MESSAGE.>>完整场景
(to the bartender) Just some water please - but throw in an olive and make it look alcoholic... 43 INT. HALL - ARMS FAIR - SINGAPORE - DAY 43 JAMES hurries down a trading aisle escorted by three BODYGUARDS as KATE and TOM struggle to catch up.>>完整场景
ON SCREEN: SINGAPORE - 13h00 18 INT. ARMS FAIR - SINGAPORE - AFTERNOON 18 A huge hall filled with a maze of stands showcasing MILITARY>>完整场景
I wonder why i can't get this kind of turnout for study hall.>>完整场景
From the top- mrs. Elliott, may i see you in the hall, please?>>完整场景
It's in the top of the hall closet.>>完整场景
92 INT. JOHNNY’S SUITE -LIVING ROOM DAY 92 Like a ghost, he kicks the room service tray into the hall and shuts the door.>>完整场景
75 INT. CHATEAU HALLWAY - NIGHT 75 Johnny throws Cleo over his shoulder as they head down the hall. She screams and objects but loves it.>>完整场景
71 INT. JOHNNY’S SUITE - EVENING 71 Back at the Chateau, they enter his room defeated. She plops her stuff down in the entry hall, and goes to plug in her laptop.>>完整场景
She rolls her little suitcase down the hall as they make their exit together.>>完整场景
60 INT. ITALIAN HOTEL HALL - DAY 60 Johnny and Cleo are out of there.>>完整场景