n. 豆;[动]嘴峰;[美口]毫无价值的东西
- INT. 2ND APARTMENT - DAY very weak and his skin yellowish, drops four beans into boiling water.>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
- The SS Lieutenant reaches in and withdraws a handful of long yellow beans. He glowers at Szpilman, reaches in again, produces a handful of oatmeal.>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
- Master, I've been eating too many beans, if I don't have rice soon, I'll die too Watch out! The Red Hair's coming I beg your pardon Wong Fai-hong... Master Wong... Aunt Yee Aunt Yee, would you like a cup of tea?>> 西域雄狮 Once Upon a Time in China and America Movie Script
- Exactly under the same name Having to go through this to pay him a visit, he must be joking Master, we ain't no need to live on beans anymore Where are you going?>> 西域雄狮 Once Upon a Time in China and America Movie Script
- Yeah... Yeah... Cut the bull sh*t and start eating It's beans again?>> 西域雄狮 Once Upon a Time in China and America Movie Script
- It means asking for your name There is a "Sh*t" man wanting us to stop But in such remote places, we should not stop for strangers He may die of thirst if we don't stop for him Seven, tell him to pull over at once Yes Master, I've been eating too many beans and suffer diarrhea from it If I don't have rice soon, I'll die too Stop!>> 西域雄狮 Once Upon a Time in China and America Movie Script
- “Why, Captain,” Dillard said in his hoarse whisper, “did you and the boys finally get back?” “Not the boys,” Call said. “Just me. What happened to the saloon?” He could see that he had been right—the general store was still there, but the Dry Bean was gone.
“为什么,船长,”迪拉德嘶哑地低语道,“你和孩子们终于回来了吗?”“不是孩子们,”Call说。“只有我。酒馆怎么了?”他看得出他是对的——杂货店还在,但干豆不见了。>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇- “That’s all right, Bol,” Call said. He lead the shaking man to the house, which was all shambles and filth, spiderwebs and rat shit everywhere. Bol shuffled around and heated coffee, and Call stood on the front porch and drank a cup. Looking down the street, he was surprised to see that the town didn’t look the same. Something wasn’t there that had been. At first he couldn’t place what, and he thought it might be the dust or his erratic vision, but then he remembered the Dry Bean. It was the saloon that seemed to be gone.
“没关系,波尔,”Call说。他把颤抖的人带到房子里,房子里到处都是狼藉、肮脏、蜘蛛网和老鼠屎。波尔拖着脚走来走去,煮了咖啡,卡尔站在前廊上喝了一杯。他顺着街道往下看,惊讶地发现这座城镇看起来不一样。那里没有曾经存在过的东西。起初,他无法放置什么,他以为可能是灰尘或他不稳定的视力,但后来他想起了干豆。似乎是那家酒馆不见了。>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇- “You’ll have to come back next time you draw your wages,” she said. “Pull up your pants and send in that other tadpole.” As Newt got off the bed, he remembered Lorena suddenly. This was what she had done during all those months at the Dry Bean, with any man who had drawn his wages. He felt a terrible regret that he hadn’t had the ten dollars then.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “I wish we’d brought a bathtub on this trip,” Augustus said, grinning. “I’m so dirty it’s like kissing a groundhog.” Later, he went to the chuck wagon and brought back some supper. They ate outside the tent. In the distance the Irishman was singing. Gus told her about Jake, but Lorena felt little. Jake hadn’t come to find her. For days she had hoped he would, but when he didn’t, and her hope died, the memory of Jake died with it. When she listened to Gus talk about him it was as if he were talking about a man she hadn’t known. She had a stronger memory of Xavier Wanz. Sometimes she dreamed of Xavier, standing with his dishrag in the Dry Bean. She remembered how he had cried the morning she left, how he’d offered to take her to Galveston.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “I’ve been finding onions,” Po said. “That’s good. I’ll put them in the beans.” I wish you’d find Gus, she thought, but of course that was impossible. They rode into the dusk, but Gus did not return.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “Why, yes,” Dish said. “I delivered her supper, if you don’t mind.” “Is she still as beautiful?” Lippy asked, remembering their days together at the Dry Bean, when she had come down toward noon every day. He and Xavier would both wait for her and would feel better just watching her walk down the stairs.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “We’re about to eat,” he said. “It’s a free country, so my advice to you would be to make camp where you choose. I’ll borrow a pot from our cook and bring you some grub once you get settled.” “I’m much obliged,” Augustus said. “Noticed a tree in these parts?” “No, sir,” Wilbarger said. “If there was a tree in these parts I’d be sitting under it.” They made camp on the plain. Wilbarger was as good as his word. In an hour he returned with a small pack mule. Besides an ample pot of beefsteak and beans he brought a small tent.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- It struck him that he had forgotten emptiness such as existed in the country that stretched around him. After all, for years he had lived within the sound of the piano from the Dry Bean, the sound of the church bell in the little Lonesome Dove church, the sound of Bol whacking the dinner bell. He even slept within the sound of Pea Eye’s snoring, which was as regular as the ticking of a clock.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “That’s why I hope I go to heaven,” Po Campo said. “I don’t want nothing more to do with that woman.” “This here ain’t Montana,” Call said. “Let’s start the cattle.” That night, true to his word, Po Campo fried some grasshoppers. Before he got around to it he fed the crew a normal meal of beefsteak and beans and even conjured up a stew whose ingredients were mysterious but which all agreed was excellent. Allen O’Brien thought it was better than excellent—it changed his whole outlook on life, and he pressed Po Campo to tell him what was in it.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Call turned the Hell Bitch loose in the remuda and came back to the cook wagon. Augustus was eating a beefsteak and abig plate of beans.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “It’s a steep crossing,” Deets said. “You don’t want to hit it in the dark.” Newt had just come off the drags for a drink of water, and the first thing he heard was talk of sandstorm. It didn’t seem to him that it would make much difference; his world was mostly sand anyway. He had to rinse his mouth five or six times before he could even eat a plate of beans without swallowing grit with them.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “The wind’s gonna come about sundown,” he said. “First it will be sand and then lightning. Don’t tie the horses to no big trees.” Despite herself, Lorena felt her spirits sinking. She had always feared lightning above all things, and here she was without even a house to hide in. She saw it was going to be harder than she had imagined. Here it was only the second day and she had already had a fright like death. Now lightning was coming. For a moment it all felt hopeless—better she had just sat in the Dry Bean for life, or married Xavier. She had gone over to Jake in a minute, and yet, the truth was Xavier would probably have taken care of her better. It was all foolish, her dream of San Francisco.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “I don’t know where I got such a fancy for you,” he said. “You are a sight to see.” He stretched out beside her and pulled her back. It was odd to look up beyond his head and see the white sky above them instead of the cracked boards in the ceiling above her head in the Dry Bean. More than usual, it made her feel not there—far from Jake and what he was doing. Crowded up in a room, it was difficult for her to keep herself—on the grass, with the sky far above, it was easy.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Now his thumb was swollen to twice its size, for a green mesquite thorn was only slightly less poisonous than a rattlesnake. Besides, he had slept badly on the stony ground, and Lorie had refused him again, when all he wanted was a little pleasure to take his mind off his throbbing thumb. They were camped only two miles from town and could easily have ridden back and slept comfortably in the Dry Bean, but when he suggested it Lorie showed her stubborn streak and refused. He could go back if he cared to—she wasn’t. So he had stayed and slept poorly, worrying most of the night about snakes. As much camping as he had done, it was a fear that never left him.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Still, it had felt good to ride out of Lonesome Dove. She had not seen Xavier again. The Dry Bean had been empty as they made their preparations. The pants had been Jake’s idea. He had known a woman mule skinner in Montana who had worn pants.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- The most surprising thing was that Lorena was wearing pants. So far as he could remember, he had never seen a woman in pants, and he considered himself a man of experience. Call had his back turned and hadn’t seen them, but some of the cowboys had. The sight of a woman in pants scared them so bad they didn’t know where to put their eyes. Most of them began to concentrate heavily on the beans in their plates. Dish Boggett turned white as a sheet, got up without a word to anybody, got his night horse and started for the herd, which was strung out up the valley.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- THE MINUTE Jake stepped in the door of the Dry Bean Lorena saw that he was in a sulk. He went right over to the bar and got a bottle and two glasses. She was sitting at a table, piddling with a deck of cards. It was early in the evening and no one was around except Lippy and Xavier, which was a little surprising. Usually three or four of the Hat Creek cowboys would be there by that time.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- For several days the crew ate the fiery beans without complaint, only the Irishmen showing pronounced ill effects. Young Sean had difficulty with the peppers. He could not eat the beans without weeping, but, with all the work, his appetite raged to such a point that he could not avoid the beans. He ate them and wept. Most of the crew liked the boy and had decided to treat his frequent weepings as simply a mild aberration, related in some way to his nationality.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- He had brought along a sack of chilies, and he dumped them liberally into his beans, feeling free to augment the dish with pieces of whatever varmints strayed into his path—rattlesnakes mostly, with an occasional armadillo.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇