
adv. 沉重地;沉闷地;猛烈地


But Grant has stopped abruptly next to the Velociraptor pen, which we recognize as the heavily fortified cage we some earlier, which the San Quentin towers at one end.>>完整场景
Hands Bertie a pair of heavily padded earphones. Bertie doesn't want to take them.>>完整场景
Perspiring heavily, all the way up there, shoving Certs into my mouth.>>完整场景
281 EXT. CIA FINCA - NIGHT 281 The Blackhawks, black and menacing, sit on an illuminated tarmac as: Heavily armed troops in black uniforms and assault vestsload up.>>完整场景
Gordy peers out the window intently as they drive, looking for a lucky break, looking for The Wolf, searching the face of every man. He doesn't see The Wolf, but what he does see surprises him. The ELC Supervisor was right: Caguan's no Mompos. It's a third- world town, armed troops are visible, and there's a lotof bad sh*t behind Colombia's revolutionaries, but here the streets are calm and orderly. It's quiet, almosteerie, as people go about their business. OFF Gordy, seeing another side of the guerrillas... 179 INT./EXT. LAND CRUISER/COUNTRY ROAD - DAY 179 Felix turns off at the entrance to a lane leading to theplantation. The entrance is guarded by a 4X4 "RatPatrol" assault truck and four heavily armed ELCguerrillas.>>完整场景
98 99 EXT. FINCA (COLOMBIA) - DAY A sprawling farm/estate deep in the countryside. Beyondthe hacienda, we see a military compound containing tentsand three heavily camouflaged helicopter shelters. A recently arrived Light Observation Helicopter (LOH) sitson a chopper pad with its rotors still turning.>>完整场景
He lies still, breathing heavily, eyes wide.>>完整场景
He can see the heavily guarded CHECKPOINT guarded by ARMED MILITIA a short distance away.>>完整场景
Reese looks over his shoulder at his teammate, a GIRL of about sixteen, gaunt, dirty, heavily armed like himself.>>完整场景
Um, the most heavily fortified base in the sector.>>完整场景
[Rachel] When I got into space heavily, I was probably about 13.>>完整场景
From the heavily barred door to their rear comes a powerful pounding; the Bastille's soldiers are trying to break it down. Time is running out.>>完整场景
On the express condition that we do not reveal our actual location, we've received special permission to penetrate deep into a rhino sanctuary accompanied by heavily armed anti-poaching rangers.>>完整场景
I mean, the reasons that those calories are cheaper is because those are the ones we're heavily subsidizing.>>完整场景
And we're under way. Average Joe's versus the heavily favoured German team.>>完整场景
He makes his way through the store. Blinking sweat. He bumps into a lady's cart, mumbles an apology, keeps going. Breaks into a trot. Down the aisle, cut to the left, through the door into the back rooms, faster and faster, running now, slamming through a door marked "Employees Only" into -- 286INT -- EMPLOYEE RESTROOM -- DAY 286 -- where he slams the door and leans heavily against it, shutting everything out, breathing heavily. Alone now.>>完整场景
His feet touch the ground -- or what he assumed was the ground. It's not. In fact, it's just what it smells like. He sinks in past his ankles. He slips and sits heavily in it.>>完整场景
Heywood unzips his pants, reaches inside. The others do likewise. The woman turns back and is greeted by the sight of a dozen men displaying their penises and smiling brightly. Her legs go wobbly and she sits heavily down on the dirt grade.>>完整场景
After a beat the door of Chigurh's truck is pushed open. He staggers out, heavily favoring one leg where the jeans are shredded and bloody at the thigh. One arm is also bloody and hangs limp. Blood runs down his face from a scalp wound.>>完整场景
INT. MAIN ROOM Sheriff Bell emerges from the bathroom. He sits heavily onto the bed.>>完整场景
From high overhead:
the bullet hits the guardrail making it hum as the Ramcharger recedes and the bird lifts into the darkness, heavily flapping its wings.>>完整场景
LT. DAN No! Forrest steps back as Lt. Dan flips back over, then pulls himself back up onto his wheelchair. He breathes heavily.>>完整场景
Guess what, Lieutenant Dan, they want to give me a me... Forrest stops in mid-sentence as he looks down at the bed. A heavily bandaged soldier with bloodstains lies there. Forrest turns and look at the NURSE.>>完整场景
Forrest breathes heavily. Jenny puts her bra back on.>>完整场景
F***ing move! Ssh! I'm sorry. Please, ssh. HE BREATHES HEAVILY ENGINE SPLUTTERS No, no. Sh*t. Do you know how to work it?>>完整场景