
n. 测试


That post is just going to have a title that's string and a body that's a text, and as you can see here from what's being generated, we have everything that we need to set up a basic interface for that scaffold. There is a migration that'll set things up in the database. There is a controller, there are views, there's a model, there's even testing stubs and adjacent API on top. So let's run that migration, and as you can see here, we created the posts in the main schema file, and now, we're ready to have a look at the application that was generated here with the post scaffold.
>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.
>> 79-By Air
He goes to it, slips off his other shoe and lies down, testing the divan's springiness with his whole body.
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The Educational Testing Service does not act capriciously.
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3. Validate your business idea.:
How do you know if your business idea will work? By testing it out and verifying that you’re solving a real problem for real people. Here’s what you should do after coming up with your business idea.
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INT. FARMHOUSE, LIVING ROOM - SUNSET April moves through the house, testing the volume on her hearing aids.
>> A Quiet Place 寂静之地 Movie Script 2018
[Cut to the testing chamber, where we see Steve, Nat, Tony, Scott, Bruce, Rhodey and Nebula standing at a control panel, presumably controlling the glass platform.]
>> Avengers: Endgame 复仇者联盟4:终局之战 Movie Script
[We cut to the Avenger's Compound, where we see Thor in a hoodie, drinking a beer and walking through the compound's Testing Chamber. Tony is also there, walking in from behind Thor.]
>> Avengers: Endgame 复仇者联盟4:终局之战 Movie Script
Wooden fins. We are testing them tomorrow.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
We were beta testing.
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Mother Nature's way of testing her creations.
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That's right. But they never attack the same place twice. They were testing the fences for weaknesses.
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(testing the microphone) Bugger bugger bugger...bloody bloody bloody... ELIZABETH: Bertie, do make sure that's not switched on!
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Testing, one, two, three. I am Jason Stevens.
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I was testing a new plane, racing it against the clock from Paris to India.
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(reading) "Initial testing negative. Patient complains of chest pains, shortness of breath, and fatigue. Restricted from running distances over five miles for one week."
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The cockpit's just for testing and maintenance.
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He will start testing the car this week.
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Sarah stares at him as the enormity of it all becomes real to her. Reese moves his arm, testing the bandage.
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I think you were testing her, you bastard.
>> Stay Hungry Movie Script
Just snake a tube down her nose and I'll be there in four or five hours. Testing now.
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Hello? Hello, testing.
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Um, hello? Hello, testing.
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It didn't perform as it did during testing.
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He's got a ton of patience when it comes to testing that robot.
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