
vi. 反应;影响;反抗;起反作用


INT. RAFE'S PLANE - NIGHT Rafe and Red come to in the plane inverted and sinking. They react, unbuckling, grabbing for their crewmates as the plane is quickly filling. The navigator and gunner are unconscious; the bombardier is dead. Red struggles with the hatch and can't make it budge.>>完整场景
Evelyn's touched -- but before she can react two P-40's zoom out of the skies, wings clipping the tops of the palm trees as they blast over head.>>完整场景
So as some of you may know, bear-stearns has just received a loan from j.P. Morgan of course we're gonna have to see how the markets react but that should lay to rest any concerns about the bank self!>>完整场景
Both HAGEN and SONNY react.>>完整场景
Just as he starts to drink, a huge TOUR BUS pulls up in front, air brakes HISSING. Before he can react, the doors open and a bunch of AMERICAN TOURISTS pile out of the bus and rush into the temple, jostling Drew from side to side.>>完整场景
Before he can react, the staff SMACKS him in the back of the head and sends him pitching to the floor.>>完整场景
Inigo and FEZZIK react. Westley is the only one not amazed.>>完整场景
“You dern cowboys ought to broom yourselves off before you walk in here,” he said with an insolent look. “We can get all the sand we need without the customers bringing it to us. That’ll be two dollars.” Augustus pitched a ten-dollar gold piece on the bar and as the young man took it, suddenly reached out, grabbed his head and smashed his face into the bar, before the young man could even react. Then he quickly drew his big Colt, and when the bartender raised his head, his broken nose gushing blood onto his white shirtfront, he found himself looking right into the barrel of a very big gun.>>完整场景
For a second he took a sleepy comfort from that reflection, but a second later it ceased to be true. Louisa stuck one of her wet feet under the blanket and kicked it off. Roscoe was so anchored in sleep he still couldn’t react. Then, to his extreme astonishment, Louisa squatted right atop his middle and reached into his long johns and took hold of his tool. Nothing like that had ever happened to him, and he was stunned, though his tool wasn’t. While the rest of him had been heavy with sleep, it had become heavy with itself.>>完整场景
He realized that hundreds of millions of dollars in Chinese reverse mergers that he'd sold were frauds, but he didn't react with shame, just pragmatism.>>完整场景
Well, it seems you have something to react to.>>完整场景
It's a big decision, I'm just not sure how he's going to react.>>完整场景
SEAN walks out of the room to the-- INT, STAIRCASE LANDING - CONTINUOUS And out the window he sees a fleet of police cars with their lights flashing parked in front of the house. Then before he can react, the front door flies open-- POLICE with flashlights walk in--the beams of light streaking across the darkened party floor and the faces..>>完整场景
With a perm, a handbag... how do we react ?>>完整场景
'In the Dawn of Creation. We are one.' Mrs. Davis rushes to reconnect Lisa's I.V. Lisa doesn't react. Mrs. Davis pounds Lisa's chest.>>完整场景
WHUMP, WHUMP, WHUMP... 153 INT. JAIL - CELLS 153 People react to the sounds of the MORTAR ATTACK on the town. The lights go out. Brandt, Rocha and their men quickly lock the guerrillas in their cell and head out.>>完整场景
Gordy doesn't react. Beat. More serious now -C'mon, Gordo.>>完整场景
FATIMA and MUSA react as the house next door detonates.>>完整场景
And Kyle rolls with the last of his strength, raising the pipe bomb he has been cradling. He jams it between two hydraulic cylinders just beneath the cyborg's armored rib- cage. Then rolls off the catwalk. Terminator has an instant to react, reaching for the bomb, before it EXPLODES.>>完整场景
SEVERAL ANGLES, as the police react.>>完整场景
(patronizingly) Right... Like a shot she unlatches the seatbelt, pulls the door lock and has the door half open before Reese can react. He catches her arm and hauls her struggling back into the car.>>完整场景
Engineered to react specifically to your Sarnian biology.>>完整场景
She doesn't react, so he must have guessed right; but Phillippe knows nothing of what happened just before the ball, and he's ambushed by her anger.>>完整场景
But once I grasped the heart of the matter, I began to see the rooster in another light. I felt sorry for this fowl with an identity problem. And I wondered how it must react when its owners threw chicken bones to the dogs. Would it nibble on the remains of its favorite hen? I shuddered at the thought.>>完整场景
The one thing you can count on with turkeys is that you never know how they are going to react. I've seen turkeys clamber against a fence trying to get into a range fire. I've seen them rush toward a screaming child, trying to kill it. And I've seen them run from a screaming child, spooked and terrified.>>完整场景