
n. 故事;来历;新闻报道;小说;[口]假话


But, sadly, while I would've liked to have thought that my story had made a difference, it didn't.>>完整场景
If it doesn't happen here, it doesn't happen. End of story.>>完整场景
It all started since I met a woman "On the train coming from the" Paris This is really cool - No, no - Istahptny have to own the hotel ! Wonderful - No, no - ...I was involved with a man she loved Sorry to hear this - I know - ...Anyway This man was no story There are some people from those trying to kill him And how do you know this? - Because they tried to kill me - They tried to kill you? - For - Because they thought I was somewhat (I admire you Mr. (Tupelo - I also admire you, sir - But I do not understand anything of what I said . Come with me Where to take me, sir?>>完整场景
! "I am a woman on board a mysterious train" You told me about it Well... ! Seems like you are a diplomat extension Or maybe a girl from "Germany" East Her father has been kidnapped And wish that some sort of Tsergy ... Influential men Tsergy recording small, of course, a matter of small logs What awaits me? - I do not know specifically - Risk? - For - It seems like you have suffered from fire ! In the first two chapters in the story Are there any men in my life?>>完整场景
You lost control of the story.>>完整场景
You know how this story goes.>>完整场景
The tech blogger who posted the story he's an old friend of Michael's from Stanford.>>完整场景
But there is really only one story out there that everybody in the market is watching and that is the Dynacorps IPO.>>完整场景
Do you remember the story you heard about the monk who would not leave?>>完整场景
I got the idea from a story about a monk who wouldn't leave. I thought... San De nods.>>完整场景
Please tell your grandfather, your Bau Bau, he is a wise man. And that he tells a good story.>>完整场景
(beat) Of course they did – what kind of story do you think my Bau Bau would tell? He stayed in front of the temple until they could no longer say no. He went on to become one of the most famous monks in the history of the temple.>>完整场景
ASHEMA (CONT'D) He is telling a story about a monk who was refused admission into the temple. It broke his heart not to be allowed to be a monk.>>完整场景
My nickname for him. He wants to tell you a story about the temple.>>完整场景
He pauses again, looking at Drew. Drew meets his gaze, wondering why he is telling him this story.>>完整场景
KWAN (CONT'D) Don't talk like that. At Shaolin... He pauses, and decides not to tell another Shaolin Temple story. Drew looks at him funny – this is very against his character.>>完整场景
Only you know the story!>>完整场景
You see, Mr. Secretary I have a story also.>>完整场景
It's a pisser. No big story.>>完整场景
What it is, tell them that story.>>完整场景
- Tell them the story.>>完整场景
Tell these guys the story about the p*ssy being insured. What is it?>>完整场景
- That's a long story.>>完整场景
MIRACLE MAX: Your first story was better.>>完整场景
GRANDFATHER: You know, you've been very sick and you're taking this story very seriously. I think we better stop now.>>完整场景