
n. 帐篷;住处;帷幕


The next morning Wilbarger’s old cook came over with some breakfast. It was a fine morning, the sun up and the plains well dried out. Augustus stepped out of the tent, but Lorena was content to look through the flaps.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Certainly,” Augustus said. “I never met a soul in this world as normal as me.” “And yet here you sit, far out on the naked plain, with a shy woman you had to rescue,” Wilbarger pointed out. “How many skunks did you have to kill in order to rescue her?” “A passel,” Augustus said. “I got the peons but the jefe got away. A bandit named Blue Duck, whom I’d advise you to give a wide berth unless you’re skilled in battle.” “You think he’s around? I’ve heard of the scamp.” “No, I think he’s headed for the Purgatory River,” Augustus said. “But then, I underestimated him once, which is why the lady got abducted. I’m out of practice when it comes to figuring out bandits.” “She’s a little peaked, that girl,” Wilbarger said. “You ought to take her back to Fort Worth. There’s not much in the way of accommodations or medical care north of here.” “We’ll ease along,” Augustus said. “Where shall I return this tent?” “I have business in Denver, later in the year,” Wilbarger said. “That’s if I live, of course. Send it over to Denver, if you have a chance. I don’t use the dern thing much, but I might next winter, if I’m still out where it’s windy.” “I’m enjoying this whiskey,” Augustus said. “A man is foolish to give up the stable pleasure of life just to follow a bunch of shitting cattle.” “You have a point, and it’s a point I’ve often taxed myself with,” Wilbarger said. “If you’re such a normal boy then how come you done it?” “Unfinished business in Ogallala, Nebraska,” Augustus said. “I’d hate to grow old without finishing it.” “I see,” Wilbarger said. “Another shy lady who must have got abducted.” They drank until the bottle was empty.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“I scarcely use this tent,” Wilbarger said, dropping it by their campfire. “You’re welcome to borrow it. The young lady might like a little privacy.” “I guess it’s your training in Latin that’s given you such good manners,” Augustus remarked. “The sky’s unpredictable and we would enjoy a tent.”“I also brought a bottle,” Wilbarger said. “I seem to remember you’re a drinking man.” As soon as the tent was up, Lorena went in. Gus spread her a pallet and she sat where she could watch him through the open flap. The men sat outside and drank.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“We’re about to eat,” he said. “It’s a free country, so my advice to you would be to make camp where you choose. I’ll borrow a pot from our cook and bring you some grub once you get settled.” “I’m much obliged,” Augustus said. “Noticed a tree in these parts?” “No, sir,” Wilbarger said. “If there was a tree in these parts I’d be sitting under it.” They made camp on the plain. Wilbarger was as good as his word. In an hour he returned with a small pack mule. Besides an ample pot of beefsteak and beans he brought a small tent.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Whoa, now,” Augustus said. “I’m just eating my bite of bacon. But I will say you should have brought a tent if you mean to take a sprightly girl like Lorie out in the weather.” Jake didn’t intend to spend any time bantering about women with Gus. It was good they had the horse back, of course. “I reckon we’ll pack up and move on to San Antonio,” he said, just as Lorena came back with an armful of dry clothes.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Stop at that tent. Let's see the gentlemen of the press.
>> 倒扣的王牌 Ace in the Hole (1951) Movie Script
Never really slept in a tent in our life.
>> 澳大利亚乱世情 Australia Movie Script
- There's only one tent.
>> 澳大利亚乱世情 Australia Movie Script
He and Ellie arrive to where several VOLUNTEERS are clustered around a computer terminal that's set up on a table in a small tent, its flaps lashed open.
>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
In the dig itself, the ground is checkered with excavations everywhere. There's a base camp with five or six teepees, a flapping mess tent, a few cards, a flatbed truck with wrapped fossils loaded on it, and a mobile home. There are a dozen VOLUNTEERS of all ages at work in various places around the dig. The Volunteers are from all walks of life, dinosaur buffs. Three or four of them have CHILDREN with them, and the kids run around, like in a giant sandbox.
>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
Billy looks up to see a MAN and a WOMAN getting out of a Cadillac. Cheryl is pointing them in the direction of the tent.
>> 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script
EXT. BEHIND A TENT - DAY Karl the Giant bandages Edward’s arm as well as he can. Amos is walking past.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
His hunt leads him through the back of a tent, where he’sunwittingly stepped in front of a line of motorized birds.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
EXT. FIELD - DAY Edward chases a costumed pig, tripping over tent cords, falling in the mud.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
INT. BIG-TOP - NIGHT Amos leans over so Karl can sign a contract on his back. He spots Edward walking back into the tent.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
MATCH CUT TO: A SPINNING PINWHEEL held by a LITTLE BOY. He’s slumped over his FATHER’sshoulder, being carried towards a big-top tent. We are... EXT. OLYMPIA CIRCUS - NIGHT ...where the second-rate carnival is parked for the moment inan Alabama field. To the left, we spot Edward, 20-ish, halfway through a bag of peanuts. He’s still carrying thebackpack we saw earlier, and scratched up from his tripthrough Spectre.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
EXT. RIVER - DAY IN A SINGLE SHOT, Karl cuts his hair with hedge clippers, while Edward cuts up a surplus army tent to make him a shirt.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
INT./EXT. STEWARD'S TENT - DAY The regatta party is underway. Music, drinks, uniformed waiters, blazers and hats everywhere.
>> 社交网络 The Social Network Movie Script
There are everywhere. Every state's capital has a tent city, a drug street. What a shameful sight for a democratic and rich country. Oh, i forgot, they don't know what's shame.
>> 2306-My English Record in Daily Work and Life
451. The tenant is discontented with the content of the agreement for renting the tennis tent.
>> 800句帮助你记相似单词的句子
- Let's get back in the tent.
>> 荒野 Backcountry Movie Script
Maybe he came back to throw stones at the tent or something stupid.
>> 荒野 Backcountry Movie Script
That? Oh, that's acorns just falling from the trees on our tent.
>> 荒野 Backcountry Movie Script
Someone's throwing sh*t at our tent.
>> 荒野 Backcountry Movie Script
INT. A BATTLEFIELD COMMAND TENT Raoul has just received orders from General Fromberge, who sits at a map table, Raoul salutes and follows a young staff officer from the tent. As Raoul leaves, the General withdraws from his leather field pouch a royal letter -- parchment, with blue and gold seals. Fromberge touches the edge of the parchment to the candle, and burns the letter... EXT. TRENCH - DARKNESS Two men move along a deep trench, the siege works of 17th century siege warfare. One of the men is Raoul, carrying a musket; in his new uniform he looks out of place among the dirty, battle weary men they pass. He is following the STAFF OFFICER who is no older than himself, but whose eyes are already dead, while Raoul's are wide and wild.
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