
n. 绳;排;路线,航线


Get Sonic's house on the line immediately.>>完整场景
If you want to go downtown, take line eight.>>完整场景
To get to Chinatown, take line four.>>完整场景
She almost forgot to change to line seven!>>完整场景
7号线,是line seven. 不是seven line。
There's always a delay for the green line.>>完整场景
don't get off until the final stop. this is the final stop on blue line.>>完整场景
Drew is next in line, and he moves through the techniques without a mistake. When he gets to the end of the routine, he breaks into a little dance step, having fun. The entire group breaks up in laughter.>>完整场景
A monk comes down the line, handing out hats to the disciples. They put them on, and wait for instructions from the D.S.>>完整场景
Their form done, they file out of the chamber, leaving the D.S. with his group, along with one fighting monk. The D.S. motions for them to line up as the monks had.>>完整场景
Through the door come the D.S., Drew and the others. They line up along one wall, watching the fighting monks go through their form.>>完整场景
ANGLE ON GAO AND THE DISCIPLES As they are in line for water. They each drink a large glass full, then move back to their work area. Drew is the last in line. When Drew gets to the front, the D.S. smiles and shakes his head.>>完整场景
THE CAMERA MOVES DOWN the line of monks, as their hair is shaved off in clumps. Drew is standing next to his chair, arguing with the D.S. about the haircut.>>完整场景
INT. SHAOLIN TEMPLE – SAME DAY Drew walks behind the other disciples, who are lining up to get their robes. As he takes his place in line, a monk comes up to take Drew's backpack. Drew resists, and a tug of war ensues.>>完整场景
They parade past a line of monks assembled in the courtyard inside the temple.>>完整场景
The line of disciples has stopped, waiting for Drew. Drew, back pack in hand, takes his place at the end of the line.>>完整场景
Their burgers are amazing, but the line is always so long! Let's go!>>完整场景
Look! There's no line at Benny's Burgers!>>完整场景
People, you've come a long way... to a foreign place You should co-operate and take care of each other Po Chi Lam was opened for this reason I don't hope for good business, that'll require you being ill This is not what I hope for Instead, I hope that... The American Po Chi Lam would become your club house when you have time, you can have tea, chat, and practice Kung-fu here Build up a strong body And come in line with Po Chi Lam's spirit Hand in hand we copy foreigners' merits and compensate our short-comings And shine for the Chinese people That's all Come in! Refreshment time!>>完整场景
Sorry, you have to wait in line.>>完整场景
You fell victim to one of the classic blunders. The most famous is "Never get involved in a land war in Asia." But only slightly less well known is this: "Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line.">>完整场景
I've hired you to help me start a war. That's a prestigious line of work with a long and glorious tradition.>>完整场景
We finished attaching the tethers into one long line.>>完整场景
I just got an email from my wife and the subject line says, "Our children.">>完整场景
Get him in line, Vincent.>>完整场景
“Them’s beaver,” Old Hugh kept saying. “You trap beaver, you don’t shoot ’em. A bullet will ruin the pelt and the pelt’s the whole point.” “Well, I hate the little toothy sons of bitches,” Jasper said. “The pelts be damned.” Call kept riding northwest until even Old Hugh began to be worried. The great line of the Rockies was clear to the west.>>完整场景