
n. 先锋;厢式货车;[计]增值网


GORDON arrives the same time as the TV NEWS VAN from Channel One Eyewitness News.>>完整场景
- Some artist. I think it was Van Gogh.>>完整场景
The Bride sees the live hand grenade skidding and sliding on the asphalt towards her... She takes off running...as the Volkswagen van EXPLODES BEHIND HER.>>完整场景
Bullet FIRE EXPLODES all around the Bride as she rolls out on the other side. She removes her 9mm automatic and returns fire from behind the van.>>完整场景
Yuki runs after her, firing all the way, destroying the hedge... The Bride darts across the street, she hits the ground and rolls under a Volkswagen van.>>完整场景
Didn't have no van with four-wheel drive.>>完整场景
Couldn't you all of took a van out there?>>完整场景
The van speeds away. Chace picks himself up off the asphalt, dusts himself off, and looks around. He is utterly lost.>>完整场景
EXT. INDUSTRIAL HIGHWAY -- NIGHT A stretch of barren highway out by an industrial plant. The white van slows, its door opens, and Chace is shoved out.>>完整场景
Chace obeys. The van lurches into motion.>>完整场景
INT. WHITE VAN -- EVENING A bland-looking young fellow frisks Chace.>>完整场景
Parked twenty paces from the streetlight is a white plumber's van. Chace knocks on the rear door twice, and waits.>>完整场景
So what's the score with Mr Whippy, then? - Me and me mates were messin'. Borrowed his van. - Borrowed? We were gonna give it back. Stalled it. The others legged it. Shocking. Rule number one. If you're gonna be the getaway driver, don't stall the car. - Thought you lived in Ireland. - Yeah, I do. I'm just over here doin' a job for a mate, you know. Been over here before? Why do you sound like a Manc? - Lived in Manchester with our Katie's dad. - You've got a sister? - Pain in the arse. - How come you're here, then? Mum and Terry split up. How old are you now, mate? How come you never came to see us? Yeah, I would've if I could, but, you know, it's complex, you know what I mean, with Ireland and that. - How long you here for now? - Not long. Look, I've just got to see a man about a horse. You stay here, though, right? I won't be long. RACING COMMENTARY Come on, come on, come on. Get in! Thought he was gonna bottle it, then. The patron saint of jockeys must have been looking after you today, you jammy get. Hee-hee! Cheers, Billiam. - Happy days, lad! - D'you always win? Oh, aye, yeah. Apart from when I lose. Mum reckons it's a mug's game. Yeah? Then you won't want this off this mug. Here you go. Go on. - You won it. - It's yours. What's mine's yours. - Will I see you again? - Course. You on the front tomorrow? Same time? Yeah. Maybe not a good idea to let on to your mum that you've seen me here. I won't. All right. Cheer up! Mine went further. - Like that? - And the chips go in. That's marvellous. Step two. And then the, you know... Thanks very much. The piece de resistance... is the curry sauce, which I can't open. One sec. Oh, it's all over the show now! Here you go, have a bit of that. There we go. Jamie Oliver, my arse, mate.>>完整场景
It can even have Jean Claude Van Damme in it if you want. Cole smiles at that. He nods, "Yes" joyfully. His smile fades away as he notices his mother fiddling with the HEATER controls. Cole gazes out the front windshield as the car moves towards home. Suddenly a piece of paper sticks to the windshield. It's a page from a Playbill. A 1941 Playbill. It flies away revealing a woman in a flowing flowery dress from the 40's suddenly walks into the middle of the street as the pages of her Playbill swirl in the air.>>完整场景