
n. 腕关节;手腕


Sator RIPS the cuff off his arm, sending the doctor out – checks a fitness tracker on his wrist.>>完整场景
BRUCE tries to push past LITTLE AL and out of the garage. But LITTLE AL grabs his wrist.>>完整场景
Elle flicks her wrist slightly. She doesn't even swing the blade. She just holds it.>>完整场景
THE BRIDE * Yes!!! PAI MEI * THAT'S THE BEGGING! He lets go of her wrist. She cradles her still-throbbing arm.>>完整场景
He TWISTS her wrist The pain is excruciating..... PAI MEI * Like all yankee women, the only thing you know how to do is order in restaurants and spend a man's money.>>完整场景
With little effort on his part, he reaches out and GRABS her wrist, TWISTS...She's on the floor, with her arm stuck out in the air behind her, her wrist still between his fingers. He could literally break her arm in half.>>完整场景
INT. OFFICE - DAY Close on the air tank. One hand, a towel wrapped at the wrist, reaches in to hoist it.>>完整场景
(whispers) You don't have to tell me your secret if you don't want to. Malcolm smiles. Returns his fingers to the mind-reading position. Malcolm looks to Cole's arm. Cole is wearing A LARGE SILVER WATCH. It swims on his thin wrist. It could probably slide up to his shoulder. Malcolm closes his eyes.>>完整场景