
n. 人;[语法]人称;身体;容貌,外表


Once it was plain that she was gone, Roscoe felt in the worst quandary of his life. July was gone too, off in the general direction of San Antonio. It might be a month before he got back, at which point someone would have to tell him the bad news. Roscoe didn’t want to be the someone, but then he was the person whose job it was to sit around the jail, so he would probably have to do it.>>完整场景
It came to her more strongly every day how much she missed Dee Boot. He was the exact opposite of July Johnson. July could be predicted down to the least gesture, whereas Dee was always doing what a person least expected. Once, in Abilene, to get revenge on a madam he hadn’t liked, he had pretended to bring her a nice pie from the bakery, and indeed he had got the baker to produce what looked like a perfect piecrust—but he had gone over to the livery stable and filled the piecrust with fresh horse turds. The madam, a big, mean woman named Sal, had actually cut into it before she sensed the joke.>>完整场景
Lorena watched Jake closely for a few minutes to see if she was the cause of his sulk. After all, she had sold Gus the poke that very afternoon—it was not impossible that Jake had found out, some way. She was not one who expected to get away with much in life. If you did a thing hoping a certain person wouldn’t find out, that person always did. When Gus tricked her and she gave him the poke, she was confident the matter would get back to Jake eventually. Lippy was only human, and things that happened to her got told and repeated. She didn’t exactly want Jake to know, but she wasn’t afraid of him, either. He might hit her, or he might shoot Gus: she found she couldn’t easily predict him, which was one reason she didn’t care if he found out. After that, she would know him a lot better, whatever he did.>>完整场景
However, Augustus had his way, and “Emporium” went on the sign. He mainly put it in because he wanted visitors to know there was at least one person in Lonesome Dove who knew how to spell important words.>>完整场景
The men stopped on the far side of the lots to read the sign Augustus had put up when the Hat Creek outfit had gone in business. All Call wanted on the sign was the simple words Hat Creek Livery Stable, but Augustus could not be persuaded to stop at a simple statement like that. It struck him that it would be best to put their rates on the sign. Call had been for tacking up one board with the name on it to let people know a livery stable was available, but Augustus thought that hopelessly unsophisticated; he bestirred himself and found an old plank door that had blown off somebody’s root cellar, perhaps by the same wind that had taken their roof. He nailed the door onto one corner of the corrals, facing the road, so that the first thing most travelers saw when entering the town was the sign. In the end he and Call argued so much about what was to go on the sign that Call got disgusted and washed his hands of the whole project.That suited Augustus fine, since he considered that he was the only person in Lonesome Dove with enough literary talent to write a sign. When the weather was fair he would go sit in the shade the sign cast and think of ways to improve it; in the two or three years since they had put it up he had thought of so many additions to the original simple declaration that practically the whole door was covered.>>完整场景
“That hat looks about like a buffalo cud,” Augustus said. “A hat ain’t meant to be a chamber pot, you know. If I was you I’d throw it away.” Lippy was so named because his lower lip was about the size of the flap on a saddlebag. He could tuck enough snuff under it to last a normal person at least a month; in general the lip lived a life of its own, there toward the bottom of his face.>>完整场景
Yeah ! You wanna just trickle on here, and you go comparatively fast up the gully and then you'll get slow down as it starts into the... Doug is the only person who's ever stood on top of Corcovado.>>完整场景
Yes, the end result is absolutely useless but every time I travel, I learn something new and hopefully, I get to be a better person.>>完整场景
At this point, I wonder if any of us will make it to Patagonia on the boat, but I promised her I'll ask Allan if we can squeeze one more person on board.>>完整场景
The first person I met is a girl named Makohe, I saw her teaching some kids to surf on the inside of the bay.>>完整场景
( continual farting noise ) It's embarrassing for the person that does it, isn't it sometimes?>>完整场景
( laughs ) Female interviewer: Now, are you the kind of person that laughs at the general fart joke?>>完整场景
In some places, like, there were some African... uh-- uh, countries where if you farted in front of the wrong person, you could be killed.>>完整场景
A résumé shows information about the things a person has studied and the jobs a person has had.>>完整场景
- Last night. This lottery thing... - You become this other person.>>完整场景
I'm a person who needs money.>>完整场景
Oh, no, no. Twister's not a person.>>完整场景
It's a pleasure to meet you in person after all this time. How are you?>>完整场景
I'm an organized person.>>完整场景
Dr. Grant, if there's one person who can appreciate all of this - - (or) What am I trying to do?>>完整场景
John Hammond. And I am delighted to finally meet you in person Dr Grant.>>完整场景
She's the one person I could always count on.>>完整场景
69CEXT. JUNGLE - LATE DAY69C Eyes swollen from the gas. Grant stumbles, barely able to see as the other person pulls him along. It's only now we can identify his rescuer as ERIC KIRBY, the boy he was brought to rescue. A lot has changed in the last eight weeks. It's not just dirt and muck -- he's the filthiest child you've ever seen -- something primal has come out in him.>>完整场景
2 EXT. BOAT - DAY 2 Illegal Costa Rican parasail operator ENRIQUE CARDOSO helps Americans BEN HILDEBRAND and twelve-year-old ERIC KIRVY -- already wearing life-vests -- strap themselves into a two- person PARASAIL HARNESS.>>完整场景
The food or drink that a person has asked for in a restaurant or bar is their order.>>完整场景