
n. 腰,腰部


Without looking up, Danny lunges at Rafe, tackling him around the waist, driving him at the wall.>>完整场景
PRESIDENT FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT appears, in a wheelchair, pushed by a huge black valet, GEORGE. The President's legs are shriveled, braced with the iron supports that attach to his shoes and are apparent beneath the cloth of his pin-striped pants. From the waist up Roosevelt is heavily muscled, powerful, and handsome even in his little spectacles. The valet rolls him to the head of the table; he's speaking even before he settles in.>>完整场景
A swimming suit or swimming costume is a piece of clothing designed to be worn while swimming. It covers a person's body and reduces friction while swimming. Most swimsuits are designed to cover the body from the shoulder to the groin and extend below the waist One-pieces. Swimsuits are often made of spandex or polyester. Polyester suits are more durable and offer better UV protection than other materials. Lycra suits provide better Fit, Support, and Comfort than other materials.>>完整场景
INT. MEDICAL EXAM - DAY Vito is stripped to the waist, as other immigrants wait.>>完整场景
He is riding strongly, and she is comfortable in the back. They are getting stares from the people they pass, but Ashema seems to be enjoying the attention. Drew hits a bump, and Ashema holds his waist a little tighter. Neither of them mind – in fact, Drew starts looking for more bumps.>>完整场景
The 3rd round starts. In this round, Trevor is destroying Drew, making him look ridiculous. A clinch comes, and (INSERT HERE) before they can break, Trevor grabs the drawstring around Drew's waist and pulls.>>完整场景
“You sure you get along with these Indians?” he asked. “I’d be embarrassed if you came to any trouble on my account.” “I won’t,” Old Hugh said. “They’re off stuffing themselves with fresh buffalo meat. I was invited to join ’em but I think I’ll poke along after you, even though I don’t know where you come from.” “A little fart of a town called Lonesome Dove,” Augustus said. “It’s in south Texas, on the Rio Grande.” “Dern,” the old man said, clearly impressed by the information. “You’re a traveling son of a bitch, ain’t you?” “Does this horse have a name?” Augustus asked. “I might need to speak to him.” “I been calling him Custer,” Old Hugh said. “I done a little scouting for the General once.” Augustus paused a minute, looking down at the old trapper. “I got one more favor to ask you,” he said. “Tie me on. I ain’t got strength enough to mount again if I should fall.” The old man was surprised. “I guess you’ve learned some tricks, with all your traveling,” he said. He fixed a rawhide loop around Augustus’s waist and made it tight to the cantle.>>完整场景
Occasionally the Hell Bitch pawed the ground. At night he let her graze on the end of a long rope, but this time he carefully wrapped the end of the rope around his waist before lying back against his saddle to sleep. If Blue Duck was really in the vicinity a little extra caution might pay.>>完整场景
When he took the reins Lorena felt a deeper fright than she had ever known. She gripped the horse’s mane so tightly the horsehairs cut into her hands. Then she shut her eyes—she couldn’t bear to see the water coming over her. The mare took a leap, and there was a different feeling. They were swimming. She heard the black man’s voice talking soothingly to the mare. The water lapped at her waist, but it came no higher; after a moment she opened her eyes. They were nearly across the river. The black man was looking back watchfully, lifting her reins a bit so as to keep the horse’s head out of the water. Then there was the suck of the water against her legs as they started to climb out of the river. With a smile, the black man handed her back her wet reins. She was gripping the mane so tightly it took an act of will to turn her hands loose.>>完整场景
Newt took the gun and slipped it out of its holster. It smelted faintly of oil—the Captain must have oiled it that day. It was not the first time he had held a pistol, of course. Mr. Gus had given him thorough training in pistol shooting and had even complimented him on his skill. But holding one and actually having one of your own were two different things. He turned the cylinder of the Colt and listened to the small, clear clicks it made. The grip was wood, the barrel cool and blue; the holster had kept a faint smell of saddle soap. He slipped the gun back in its holster, put the gun belt around his waist and felt the gun’s solid weight against his hip. When he walked out into the lots to catch his horse, he felt grown and complete for the first time in his life. The sun was just easing down toward the Western horizon, the bullbats weredipping toward the stone stock tank that Deets and the Captain had built long ago. Deets had already caught Mr. Gus’s horse, a big solid sorrel they called Mud Pie, and was catching his own mount. Newt shook out a loop, and on the first throw caught his own favorite, a dun gelding he called Mouse. He felt he could even rope better with the gun on his hip.>>完整场景
Tim and Grant grab hands. Grant holds on to him, getting an arm securely around his waist. They climb down. They stop on a branch.>>完整场景
But she responds to the contact, hurling herself forward and throwing her arms tightly around his waist. She clamps here, holding on for dear life, SOBBING.>>完整场景
42EXTFIELDDAY As the weather grows darker, ELLIE, GRANT, HARDING, and MALCOLM are grouped around an enormous spoor of triceratops excreta that stands at least waist high and is covered with BUZZING flies.>>完整场景
He handles her hips and neck and waist and ass.>>完整场景
I cut you at waist.>>完整场景
Why don't you tie it around your waist?>>完整场景
606. In the faithful waiter's waist exists a list of the ten listeners.>>完整场景
Now Mrs. Oveur, still watching the sky, has both arms around Kramer's waist, massaging his chest with her hands.>>完整场景
The Man in the Yankees Cap is in the lead. He plungesinto the fast water up to his waist. Gordy and the restsplash in behind, struggling to cross against the swift current. The Man in the Yankees Cap reaches the farbank. Takes two steps, and... 46.>>完整场景
(Kani waa midka aan weli-gay ist-ti-male-donno!) MUSA smiles, and hands her the hoop. ALIA takes it. She swings it over her body and around her waist - and SPINS it.>>完整场景
Just out of the shower, wearing a long towel around his waist, he smokes a cigarette in his room when the phone rings.>>完整场景
225 EXT. FREEWAY - NIGHT 225 Reese is out the window to the waist, aiming double- handed. He FIRES. ONCE. TWICE. AGAIN.>>完整场景
19" arm. 30" waist.>>完整场景
281/2" waist.>>完整场景
But before the man can say anything else, Porthos has crushed him like a bug against the wall. They rip the huge ring of keys from the jailer's waist, and take his torch.>>完整场景