
adj. 人的;人类的


There aren't. Because there are no safeguards in human nature.>>完整场景
"A digital frontier to reshape the human condition.">>完整场景
Loyal to the end, Bradley maintains his belief that Flynn is not missing and is instead pursuing his dream of "a digital frontier to reshape the human condition.">>完整场景
ClA human intel has just learned that the heads of three terrorist cells are about to meet in 24 minutes.>>完整场景
By morning, there won't be a human left.>>完整场景
They would become human again.>>完整场景
Hey, isn't a human body composed mainly of water?>>完整场景
I've taken your sh*t for too f***ing long, you dickless drug-induced excuse for a human being.>>完整场景
pretty cool human being when you're not being a first-class, grade-A b*tch.>>完整场景
What kind of human being would I be if I did that?>>完整场景
You seem to be going through some life-defining turning point, and I'm not gonna stand in the way of the human condition.>>完整场景
A love story + human triumph against odds + great dialog + perfect casting + musical score= Rocky, a masterpiece.>>完整场景
I'm keeping my sanity by occasionally reminding myself... that in spite of- But it's the same old war we're fighting... I'm still, at least in principle, a human being.>>完整场景
This is building number 31. At this moment... eight or nine terrified living human beings... are being held prisoner.>>完整场景
It’s like, if you’re used to doing heavy-duty literary stuff that doesn’t sell well, being human animals with egos, we find a way to accommodate that fact by the following equation: If it sells really well and gets a lot of attention, it must be sh*t. Then, of course, the ultimate irony is: if your thing gets a lot of attention and sells really well, then the very mechanism you’ve used to shore yourself up when your stuff didn’t sell well is now part of the Darkness Nexus when it does, so you’re screwed.>>完整场景
Yeah, but in a very sloppy, very human way. That squeaky, orgasmic quality in her voice? Here’s what it is: A lot of women in magazines are pretty in a way that isn’t erotic because they don’t look like anybody you know.>>完整场景
As you can see, human pollution is one of the greatest threats to the environment out here.>>完整场景
298. The humorous rumour has something to do with human humanity and vanity.>>完整场景
44. Spell smell! Very well, the well-being for human being will swell.44. 拼写气味(一词)!很好,人类的福利将会膨胀。>>完整场景
The human heat this weekend was so great that we had to win this time.>>完整场景
I saw this movie once where the human race had to escape Earth and they ended up on another Planet and in order to survive on that Planet they had to adapt to their environment.>>完整场景
Well other people might need to talk about it you know, we're only human.>>完整场景
Seemingly omnipotent but more human and just as afraid.>>完整场景
A most human century in which we begin really to understand that Nietzsche was right.>>完整场景
A nexus in the great human saga when we dared to trade the organizing bliss of good and evil, right and wrong as determined by a creator for other opiates.>>完整场景