
n. 政变;妙计;出乎意料的行动;砰然的一击


It was a coup.>>完整场景
The government is super rich because it stole money and land from the people 0 years ago after their successful coup, they promised to give it back in equally distributed portions, but never did.>>完整场景
You performing a coup de grace on me by bustin a cap in my crown, would be right at the top of the list.>>完整场景
Not yet I ain't. But I can sure do it easy enough. She's so gentle right now, I could preform her coup de grace with a rock.>>完整场景
That we did. Thanks to you. He was wobbling, mind you, but you spplied the coup de grace. Quince falls silent, aquiver with this reality.>>完整场景