
adv. 也许;可能


Augustus didn’t say a word about the motto, and it was a good two months before anybody even noticed it, which showed how unobservant the citizens of Lonesome Dove really were. It galled Augustus severely that no one appreciated the fact that he had thought to write a Latin motto on a sign that all visitors could see as they rode in, though in fact those riding in took as little note of it as those already in, perhaps because getting to Lonesome Dove was such a hot, exhausting business. The few people who accomplished it were in no mood to stop and study erudite signs.>>完整场景
The caution about pigs ended the sign to Augustus’s satisfaction, at least for a while, but after a year or two had passed, he decided it would add dignity to it all if the sign ended with a Latin motto. He had an old Latin schoolbook that had belonged to his father; it was thoroughly battered from having been in his saddlebags for years. It had a few pages of mottoes in the back, and Augustus spent many happy hours poring over them, trying to decide which might look best at the bottom of the sign. Unfortunately the mottoes had not been translated, perhaps because by the time the students got to the back of the book they were supposed to be able to read Latin. Augustus had had only a fleeting contact with the language and had no real opportunity to improve his knowledge; once he had been caught in an ice storm on the plains and had torn out a number of pages of the grammar in order to get a fire started. He had kept himself from freezing, but at the cost of most of the grammar and vocabulary; what was left didn’t help him much with the mottoes at the end of the book. However, it was his view that Latin was mostly for looks anyway, and he devoted himself to the mottoes in order to find one with the best look. The one he settled on was Uva uvam vivendo varia fit, which seemed to him a beautiful motto, whatever it meant. One day when nobody was around he went out and lettered it onto the bottom of the sign, just below “We Don’t Rent Pigs.” Then he felt that his handiwork was complete. The whole sign read: HAT CREEK CATTLE COMPANY AND LIVERY EMPORIUM CAPT. AUGUSTUS MCCRAE—CAPTAIN W. F. CALL (PROPS.) P. E. PARKER (WRANGLER) DEETS, JOSHUA>>完整场景
The men stopped on the far side of the lots to read the sign Augustus had put up when the Hat Creek outfit had gone in business. All Call wanted on the sign was the simple words Hat Creek Livery Stable, but Augustus could not be persuaded to stop at a simple statement like that. It struck him that it would be best to put their rates on the sign. Call had been for tacking up one board with the name on it to let people know a livery stable was available, but Augustus thought that hopelessly unsophisticated; he bestirred himself and found an old plank door that had blown off somebody’s root cellar, perhaps by the same wind that had taken their roof. He nailed the door onto one corner of the corrals, facing the road, so that the first thing most travelers saw when entering the town was the sign. In the end he and Call argued so much about what was to go on the sign that Call got disgusted and washed his hands of the whole project.That suited Augustus fine, since he considered that he was the only person in Lonesome Dove with enough literary talent to write a sign. When the weather was fair he would go sit in the shade the sign cast and think of ways to improve it; in the two or three years since they had put it up he had thought of so many additions to the original simple declaration that practically the whole door was covered.>>完整场景
Indeed, it seemed to Augustus that that was what both of them had always expected would happen. They were not of the settled fraternity, he and Call. From time to time they talked of going west of the Pecos, perhaps rangering out there; but so far only the rare settler had cared to challenge the Apache, so there was no need for Rangers.>>完整场景
If, as he suspected, there had been no Mr. Dobbs, or if he had just been a gentleman who stopped at the rooming house a day or two—they had lived in the rooming house when Maggie was alive—then it might be that Jake Spoon was really his father. Perhaps no one had informed him of it because they thought it more polite to let Jake do so himself when he came back.>>完整场景
To Xavier’s mind, Lippy’s hat was the final exacerbation. No man of dignity would allow such a hat in his establishment, much less on the head of an employee, so from time to time he seized it and flung it out the door. Perhaps a goat would eat it; they were said to eat worse. But the goats ignored the hat, and Lippy always went out and retrieved it when he remembered that he needed an ashtray.“Disgrace!” Xavier said again, in a somewhat happier tone.>>完整场景
Newt had more imagination. He turned and looked across the river, where a big darkness was about to settle. Every now and then, about sundown, the Captain and Augustus and Pea and Deets would strap on guns and ride off into that darkness, into Mexico, to return about sunup with thirty or forty horses or perhaps a hundred skinny cattle. It was the way the stock business seemed to work along the border, the Mexican ranchers raiding north while the Texans raided south. Some of the skinny cattle spent their lives being chased back and forth across the Rio Grande. Newt’s fondest hope was to get old enough to be taken along on the raids. Many a night he lay in his hot little bunk, listening to old Bolivar shore and mumble below him, peering out the window toward Mexico, imagining the wild doings that must be going on.>>完整场景
- Or perhaps we should.>>完整场景
We have our palaeontologist... and I was hoping that perhaps you might be the fourth.>>完整场景
I think perhaps I'll just sit down. I don't suppose you think all that much of me now, do you?>>完整场景
Robert - - I wonder if perhaps you would be kind (or) good enough to take a gas jeep and bring back my grandchildren.>>完整场景
Yes Then perhaps... if you don't mind... What?>>完整场景
I think the song says every person has his dignity We get hurt. We get insulted And we can stand it as long as we can hang on to a last shred of dignity But if one bucket of shred of dignity perhaps it's better to depart this world To leave... but with dignity Who says you have to go?>>完整场景
Hans... Colonel, sir I must thank you for all you've done Yes, yes, enough of that We'd like the beef roll Our Magyar roulade, is an outstanding dish But perhaps you should try something else For example, Istvan has outdone himself with a superb Danbe catfish Very kind, but we'd like the beef roll Colonel, it pains me deeply I'm afraid roulade is unavailable today That's terrible - how will I look now?>>完整场景
- No... thanks very much Perhaps the gentleman at the piano could play "Komm Zigan" When I hear you play, I regret I stopped singing You used to sing?>>完整场景
- Perhaps we were both wrong.>>完整场景
88 INT. LOGUE'S PARLOUR - NIGHT 88 The luminous dial of a wireless. Unbearable silence. Then: BERTIE (V.O. RADIO FILTER) In this grave hour, perhaps the most fateful in our history, I send to every household of my peoples, both at home and overseas... This is being listened to by Myrtle and the boys. The boys look at their mum. Suddenly they explode with cheers as the radio address continues: 89 INT./EXT. MONTAGE OF VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN ENGLAND AND AROUND 89>>完整场景
COSMO LANG: Perhaps I might be able to add a very small stool.>>完整场景
Try not to act the toff. Teach perhaps.>>完整场景
COSMO LANG: The youngest, perhaps?>>完整场景
COSMO LANG: Well, since we cannot acquire a new populace, perhaps we need a new King?>>完整场景
ELIZABETH (CONT'D) Perhaps this was a mistake.>>完整场景
(realizes) Oh dear, perhaps he's a Bolshevik?!>>完整场景
ELIZABETH: Perhaps you'll make an exception?>>完整场景
It's been brought to our attention that perhaps we should be suspicious... of the level of your grades.>>完整场景