
adj. 迟的;晚的;已故的;最近的


- Leave now, before it's too late.>>完整场景
But never too late to learn, eh?>>完整场景
It be too late to alter course now, mateys.>>完整场景
It's too late to earn my forgiveness.>>完整场景
Tell him it's too late.>>完整场景
The Chinese didn't receive our request for homing beacons until is was too late to get them set. And the planes had to take off so early they may lack fuel to make the mainland anyway.>>完整场景
We'll take off late this afternoon. I'll hit Tokyo at dusk, and drop incendiary bombs. You'll come after me at night, guided by the fires. Then it's on to China, where you'll arrive at dawn, guided to their airfields by the homing beacons the Chinese are going to switch on for us. That's if everything is perfect -- like every other military mission I've ever been involved with.>>完整场景
Top secret means you help me pick the other pilots, train, and go -- without knowing where you're going until it's too late.>>完整场景
That might not have been such a good idea. They're making us fly out of a half-paved airfield. The real punishment is that I won't be back to the barracks till it's too late for dinner or coffee.>>完整场景
Too late for apologies, Walker.>>完整场景
30 days late he hasn't move all day.>>完整场景
These fico-scores they're caught up with their pants... 30 days late... Loan to value... maybe 5 maybe 90 60 days late, jeez!>>完整场景
85... That's 30 days late, that's 60 days late.>>完整场景
We have talk about this numerous times f*** him! -You can't come in late and hijack the entire session!>>完整场景
Sorry I'm late, no cabs!>>完整场景
In the late seventies banking wasn't a job you went into to make large sums of money.>>完整场景
- We're late.>>完整场景
EXT. TAHOE ESTATE - DAY It is late fall -- most of the leaves have fallen on the grounds and there is quite a wind.>>完整场景
I'm an old man; at my age, it's too late to start worrying.>>完整场景
Why too late?>>完整场景
I think it's too late for changes, Michael. I promised myself I wouldn't talk about it and I've gone and spoiled it.>>完整场景
INT. THE VILLA - SUMPTUOUS MED. VIEW - LATE DAY A sumptuous table is set for the visiting family from America. There is a warm atmosphere as Vito, his wife and children eat. Tomasino and his family received presents from Carmella and to Tomasino's mother, and gifts are given to all of the children.>>完整场景
EXT. DON TOMASINO'S VILLA OUTSIDE OF CORLEONE - DAY The villa is bloomed with flowers and DON TOMASINO at this point is a man in his late twenties. He embraces Vitone and pats the heads of his children, and leads them all into the garden.>>完整场景
A wealthy family is arguing with the pilot of a fast airplane; trying to force cash on him, and his family into the plane. The PILOT steadfastly refuses, although checking his watch, as though his passengers are late. He speaks only English.>>完整场景
EXT. PRESIDENTIAL PALACE - NIGHT We see evidence of the confusion at this late hour; already cars are beginning to move; people leaving the Palace in haste. Michael moves quickly toward his car. He sees Fredo, watching him in fear.>>完整场景