
adj. 困难的;硬的;猛烈的;确实的;努力的;辛苦的;冷酷无情的;严厉的


He takes JOHNNY to the door, pinching his cheek hard enough to hurt.>>完整场景
You know, before we hit the books too hard, let's take a field trip.>>完整场景
There they go, toward the hard stuff.>>完整场景
Maybe it's not that hard.>>完整场景
I can't even imagine how hard that must be.>>完整场景
I work hard for you!>>完整场景
I find that hard to believe.>>完整场景
I need you to slap me. Hard.>>完整场景
And he tells me that it's so hard to recruit right now... He says that sometimes it's okay if a paper or two are missing.>>完整场景
You're right to be hard on them.>>完整场景
Was it hard to get off heroin?>>完整场景
A hard worker.>>完整场景
-lt's hard to say.>>完整场景
-...so hard.>>完整场景
Oh, poor dear. You work so hard.>>完整场景
Really? Wait till l become the master, because l'll be twice as hard on you.>>完整场景
They work hard in the city, too, huh?>>完整场景
Yes, even the church, when it was necessary, clamped down hard on its enemies.>>完整场景
lt won't get hard.>>完整场景
We have a saying in America... "You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. " I understand that sometimes it can be hard to see the helping hand, what with all the guns and the strange guys and the mess and what have you.>>完整场景
Pardon, monsieur, of course you may take off. " - Done! How hard is that?>>完整场景
He doesn't have the constitution for the hard stuff anymore.>>完整场景
These were guys who, in Glen's eyes, hadn't earned their power the way he had, through hard work and discipline.>>完整场景
Of course not, I just enjoy after them Well, gentlemen at your disposal Do not shoot him I think we are misled I want to take off these cuffs We have to wait until we reach open water It suits you perfectly, sir It seems you have a wonderful Do you think it is a little broad? - No, he is of the utmost magnificence - Fourteen red, I bet it Wager, sir Forty-two red I have returned - Call them inside - I could come back tomorrow? - No, wait - ! We have tried in various ways, sir But escaped us - This is what I expected to hear - To escape the young man who robbed me of $ 2.3 billion I learn that I had worked so hard In order to stop dirty operations, which I was the No more chasing the treacherous ...No more killing But now I rely on people Do these things rather than me ! Fix things, but they did not Do you have shown good? - For - As usual - As usual, why? - Wonderful as usual Yes, I have shown good Then so be open lock Where Talmty do this?>>完整场景
I know the question that you want to ask But do not ever ask Have at least someone so you live with him, but I do not It was a hard day I hope you are comfortable couch Good night ! Sorry, sir, good morning I claimed I Nadlk Anna What is this?>>完整场景