n. 结局;结尾
- What really surprised me most as I followed that food back to its source, I kept ending up in the same place, and that was a cornfield in Iowa.
当我追踪食物的来源时,最让我惊讶的是,我总是去同一个地方,那是爱荷华州的一片玉米地。>> 食品公司 Food, Inc. Movie Script- I love happy endings.>> 躲避球:一个真正的卧底故事Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story Movie Script
- A city where you can get a happy ending, if you pay a little extra.>> 躲避球:一个真正的卧底故事Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story Movie Script
- My greatest sin was to bring a son into a world I knew was ending... do you think God will forgive me?>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- The Red Pickup T-BONES the Trans Am, the gold and black car FLIES through the air, then ROLLS OVER AND OVER about five times in the desert sand and dirt...ending upside down.>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
- - Who of us would really want to remain here on earth with all its never-ending struggles.>> 爱因斯坦神模式 Einstein's God Model Movie Script
- - Who of us would really want to remain on earth with all its never-ending struggles?>> 爱因斯坦神模式 Einstein's God Model Movie Script
- Security, freedom and opportunity. Those values have guided me throughout my career. But the unique privilege of this office is to use this platform to give a voice to the voiceless. To fight the burning injustices that still scar our society. That is why I put proper funding for mental health at the heart of our NHS long term plan. It's why I'm ending the postcode lottery for victims of domestic abuse. It's why the race disparity audit and gender pay reporting are shining a light on inequality so it has nowhere to hide. And it is why I set up the independent inquiry into the tragedy at Grenfell Tower, to search for the truth so nothing like it can ever happen again, and so the people who lost their lives that night are never forgotten.>> 梅姨辞职演讲
- I don't know how the story ends. I hope it's a happy ending.>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script