n. 绝望;令人绝望的人或事
- For others of abandonment and despair.>> 钝感之爱 Anesthesia Movie Script
- To abject despair?>> 钝感之爱 Anesthesia Movie Script
- 220 INT. PJHQ - LONDON - AFTERNOON 220 POWELL watches with despair as JAMA runs for his life.>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
- You're getting an inkling of the despair they feel when left to the mercy of the streets.>> 铁腕校长Lean on Me Movie Script
- Because it never made a difference i never paid attention to the sound of my own despair trick or treat!>> 铁腕校长Lean on Me Movie Script
- Despair thy charm and let the angel whom thou still hast served tell thee Macduff was from his mother's womb untimely ripped.>> Macbeth Movie Script
- I Ioved you Once in siIence And misery was aII I knew Trying so To keep my Iove from showing AII the whiIe not knowing You Ioved me too Yes, Ioved me In Ionesome siIence Your heart FiIIed with dark despair Thinking Iove WouId fIame in you forever And I'd never, never Know the fIame was there Then one day we cast away Our secret Ionging The raging tide we heId inside WouId hoId no more The siIence At Iast was broken We fIung wide Our prison door Every joyous word of Iove Was spoken And now there's Twice as much grief Twice the strain for us Twice the despair Twice the pain For us As we had known before The siIence At Iast was broken We fIung wide Our prison door Every joyous word of Iove Was spoken And after aII had been said Here we are, my Iove SiIent once more And not far My Iove!>> 伏魔神剑Camelot Movie Script
- But where another race would surrender to despair the Humans fought back with even greater strength.>> 巴比伦5:开端 Babylon 5: In the Beginning Movie Script
- EXT. CHATEAU - NIGHT As Aramis and Athos are downstairs arguing, we PAN UP to the window of a candlelit bedroom... INT. CHATEAU BEDROOM - NIGHT We PAN from the window to the bed... where Porthos is making love -- or trying to. We see his huge, bare, broad back, blotting out all view of his partner. He grunts, then roles over in despair -- revealing not one but three serving girls lying beneath him, jammed side-by-side like firewood, all nearly smothered by Porthos' bulk.>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script
- The army! Oh Raoul, don't despair!>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script
- KAT:
- Andrei, look in my eyes. Which do you see, despair... or anger?>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- Sator edges towards Kat... SATOR (CONT'D) Because anger scars over into despair. I look in your eyes... He casually GESTURES at her – SATOR (CONT'D) I see despair.>> 信条Tenet Movie Script