
vi. 挑选;采摘;挖;vt. 拾取;精选;采摘;掘;n. 选择;鹤嘴锄;挖;[篮球]掩护


Isn't somebody going to pick that up?
>> 刺猬索尼克 1996 Sonic the Hedgehog Movie Script
OK, boys, just let me get my glass and... Drew, not looking for trouble, bends down to pick up the glass, and the leader kicks him in the rear end, sending him pitching to the ground. Drew rolls to a standing position, and the five men close on him.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
Set against a deep blue sky, it could be spinning anywhere – but the CAMERA PULLS BACK TO REVEAL the Shaolin Temple "forest of stupa", where the disciples are having a pick up football game – it's Sunday, the disciples' afternoon off. The football spins into the hands of Gao, who drops it.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
You'd do anything for the cops to pick you up so you wouldn't have to do this.
>> 美国往事Once Upon a Time in America Movie Script
Eight. Let's pick an eight.
>> 美国往事Once Upon a Time in America Movie Script
You pick that.
>> 美国往事Once Upon a Time in America Movie Script
We got our pick.
>> 美国往事Once Upon a Time in America Movie Script
- I also came to pick you up.
>> 美国往事Once Upon a Time in America Movie Script
And from somewhere they summon strength, pick up their pace, and as they reach the edge of the Fire Swamp --
>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
...pick up whatever provisions we need... and now we're accelerating towards Mars.
>> 火星救援 The Martian (2015) Movie Script
“We give a nice ten-dollar funeral,” the undertaker said. “You could just leave the fellow with me and come pick out the gravestone at your leisure. Of course the gravestone’s extra.” “Not in the market,” Call said.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“If you get to choose one of my horses, choose that little sorrel with the star on his forehead,” Clara said. “He’s the best of that bunch.” “Oh, I imagine Dish will get the first pick,” Newt said. “Dish is our top hand.” “Well, I don’t want Dish to have him,” Clara said. “I want you to have him. Come on.” She started for the lots and made straight for Call.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“She ought to have loved him,” Sally said.“Ought don’t count for as much as a gnat, when you’re talking about love,” Clara said. “She didn’t. You seen her. She didn’t even care for Martin. We’ve already given July and Martin more love than that poor woman ever gave them. I don’t say that to condemn her. I know she had her troubles, and I doubt she was often in her right mind. I’m sorry she had no more control of herself to run off from her husband and child and get killed.” She stopped, to let the girls work on the various questions a little. It interested her which they would pick as the main point.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
To his surprise, he didn’t enjoy the visit to Ogallala very much. He hit the dry-goods store just as the owner was closing and persuaded him to reopen long enough for him to buy Lorie a mass of clothes. He bought everything from petticoats to dresses, a hat, and also a warm coat, for they were sure to strike cool weather in Montana. He even bought himself a black frock coat worthy of a preacher, and a silk string tie. The merchant soon was in no mood to close; he offered Augustus muffs and gloves and felt-lined boots and other oddities. In the end he had such a purchase that he couldn’t even consider carrying it—they would have to come in tomorrow and pick it up in the wagon, though he did wrap up a few things in case Lorie wanted to wear them to Clara’s. He bought her combs and brushes and a mirror—women liked to see themselves, he knew, and Lorena hadn’t had the opportunity since Fort Worth.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“We need ’em,” Dixon said. “We’ve got to protect this frontier.” Augustus laughed again. “Who have you protected lately?” he asked. “All you’ve told us about are people you didn’t protect.” “I’m tired of talking,” Weaver said. “Go get the horses, Jim. Take a couple of men and pick out good ones.” “You can’t have any horses,” Call said. “You have no authority to requisition stock from us.” “By God, I’ll have those horses or I’ll have your hides,” Weaver said. “Go get ’em, Jim.” The young lieutenant looked very nervous, but he turned as if to ride over to the herd.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Everything’s gloomy,” Betsey said. Betsey was quick to pick up moods.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Clara saw at once that he had sustained some blow. When she saw him come back without even the mail, it had been on her tongue to say something about his poor memory. She and the girls hungered for the magazines and catalogues that came in the mail, and it was a disappointment to have someone ride right past the post office and not pick them up. But July looked so low that she refrained from speaking. At the supper table she tried several times to get a word or two out of him, but he just sat there, scarcely even touching his food. He had been ravenous since coming off the plains—so whatever the blow was, it was serious.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“You’ve missed your calling, Jasper,” Augustus said, highly amused by this display. “You ought to try dancing in whorehouses—you might pick up a favor or two that you otherwise couldn’t afford.” “Reckon the Captain will let us go to town once we get to Nebraska?” Needle asked. “It seems like a long time since there’s been a town.”“If he don’t, I think I’ll marry a heifer,” Bert said.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“That wagon won’t be here for an hour,” Clara said. “Go see about your pa. His fever comes up in the afternoon. Wet a rag and wipe his face.” Both girls stood looking at her silently. They hated to go into the sickroom. Both of them had bright-blue eyes, their legacy from Bob, but their hair was like hers and they were built like her, even to the knobby knees. Bob had been kicked in the head by a mustang he was determined to break, against Clara’s advice. She had seen it happen—he had the mare snubbed to a post with a heavy rope and only turned his back on her for a second. But the mare struck with her front feet, quick as a snake. Bob had bent over to pick up another rope and the kick had caught him right back of the ear. The crack had sounded like a shot. The mare pawed him three or four times before Clara could reach him and drag him out of the way, but those blows had been minor. The kick behind the ear had almost killed him. They had been so sure he would die that they even dug the grave, up on the knoll east of the house where their three boys were buried: Jim and Jeff and Johnny, the three deaths Clara felt had turned her heart to stone: she hoped for stone, anyway, for stone wouldn’t suffer from such losses.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Gone to pick a tree to hang you from, son,” Augustus said mildly. He turned to Dan Suggs, who looked at him with his teeth bared in a snarl. “I don’t know what makes you think we’d tote you all the way to a jail,” Gus said.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Gus had set up the tent before he left, but it was supper time, so Dish got a plate of beef for Lorena’s supper. He took his responsibilities so seriously that he had tried to pick out the best piece, in the process holding up the line and irritating the crew, none of whom were the least impressed with his responsibilities.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Jake drank liberally, for he felt uncomfortable. He had not meant to slip into such rough company and was worried, for now that he had slipped in, he could see that it wasn’t going to be any too easy to slip back out. After all, he had heard them discuss killing a whole crew of cowboys, calculating the killings as casually as they might pick ticks off a dog. He had been in much questionable company in his life, but the Suggs brothers weren’t questionable. They were just hard.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“My notion was that most cowboys can’t fight,” Dan said. “Hell, they’re just boys. Them settlers up there can’t fight, neither. A lot of them might pay us to keep the beeves out of their corn patches.” “They might, but it sounds like you’re speculating,” Jake said. “Before I leave this here easy life to go and get shot at I’d like a little better prospect to think about.” “How about robbing banks, if the regulating don’t work out?” Dan asked bluntly. “You got any objections to robbing banks?” “It would depend on the bank,” Jake said. “I wouldn’t enjoy it if there was too much law stacked up against me. I’d think you’d want to pick small towns.” They talked for several hours, Roy Suggs resolutely spitting tobacco on the floor. Dan Suggs pointed out that all the money seemed to be in Kansas. If they went up there and weren’t too particular about what they did they ought to be able to latch onto some of it.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Newt can go with me and learn to be a ladies’ man,” Augustus said. “You won’t claim him anyway, and the last boy that got near Blue Duck had his head smashed in with a rifle butt.” “Nope,” Call said. “I’m primed to see Montana. If we’re the first ones there we can take our pick of the land.” “You take your pick,” Augustus said. “I’m in the mood to travel. Once you boys get settled I may go to China, for all you know.” And with that he rode off. Call smoked a while, feeling odd and a little sad. Jake had proved a coward and would never be part of the old crew again. Of course, he hadn’t been for ten years—the old crew was mostly a memory, though Pea and Deets were still there, and Gus, in his strange way. But it was all changing.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
The Irishman walked up leading his horse and kicking hailstones out of the way. He began to pick up the hailstones and throw them in the river. Soon several of the cowboys were doing it, seeing who could throw the farthest or make the hailstones skip across the water.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇