
n. 影像;肖像;想象;偶像


3 SECOND PLAZA HOTEL ROOM -- Irving composes himself -- looksinto cramped surveillance closet, there are FBI Agents -- weonly see their hands and arms -- he looks at monitors -- seesa BLACK AND WHITE IMAGE OF ANOTHER ROOM ON MONITOR: MAYOR CARMINE POLITO, swath of salt and pepper hair, cream suit, pinky ring, Rotary Club pin -- ALONG WITH CARL ELWAY, preppieshady businessman.>>完整场景
Look, I don’t know how much you want toknow about any of this. You have one image of your father and it would bewrong for me to go and change it.>>完整场景
MATCH CUT TO: EXT. WITCH’S HOUSE / GATE - NIGHT [FLASHBACK] The same image of Don’s dead face on the tile is reflected in The Eye.>>完整场景
We'll hear the SPEAKER but we'll only get to see him in a slightly blurry image as our attention is on MARK and EDUARDO.>>完整场景
Yes. He resented--Mark resented that they- --that your clients, probably thought he would jump at the chance to rehabilitate his image after the Facemash thing but Mark didn't want to rehabilitate anything. With Facemash he'd beaten the Harvard computers, he'd beaten the Ad Board and he made the girls mad. Facemash did what he wanted it to do.>>完整场景
Now, I couldn't be in there all the time, so I created a program in my own image that could think.>>完整场景
To have written a book about how seductive image is, and how many ways there are to get seduced off any kind of meaningful path, because of the way the culture is now...? What if I become this parody of that very thing?>>完整场景
394. It is imaginable that breaking the engagement will damage his image.>>完整场景
He is so humble, and he raises the image of Brazil abroad.>>完整场景
INSERT - STRIKER'S PAINTING A surreal image of a soldier contorted like a pretzel clutching a machine gun in one hand and a crying infant in the other.>>完整场景
OFF the agents, holding an innocent man... 342 OMITTED 342 343 INT. LATIN AMERICAN INSTITUTE - LARGE CONFERENCE ROOM 343 -DAY Selena watches as Phipps plays a surveillance video ofUnion Station. Phipps suddenly freezes the image. Zooms in on a man in the middle of the crowd. Claudio.>>完整场景
269D CONTINUED: 269D BRANDT (O.S.) An E.L.C. compound... UPDEGRAF (O.S.) More like a small village. It's mobile, and it's not justguerrillas -- it's women and kids, too. Here it is by day... FOLLOW the laser TO: 269E SEVENTH SATELLITE IMAGE 269E a day shot of the jungle village. The laser indicates: UPDEGRAF (O.S.) Houses, barracks, school for the kids, cooking sheds, H.Q., latrines, gun pits... BRANDT (O.S.) They're not just hiding The Wolf.>>完整场景
UPDEGRAF (O.S.) A little later, an E.L.C. convoyarrives, and everyone loads up... The convoy travels thirty-twominutes upriver and stops here... FOLLOW the laser TO: 269D FIFTH SATELLITE IMAGE 269D an infrared night shot of parked vehicles, buildings, people, etc.>>完整场景
FOLLOW the laser TO: 269C FOURTH SATELLITE IMAGE 269C an infrared shot of people and vehicles near the burninghouse.>>完整场景
FOLLOW the laser TO: 269B THIRD SATELLITE IMAGE 269B a high-resolution, infrared enlargement.>>完整场景
FOLLOW the laser TO: 269A SECOND IMAGE 269A the same night shot with a bright spot in the town area.>>完整场景
Beat. Selena suddenly stands, uncomfortable, not wantingto discuss it. She goes to the door and knocks. OFF Gordy, as the door opens, and Selena exits... 269 CLOSEUP - SATELLITE IMAGE 269 A laser pointer indicates the photo.>>完整场景
Gordy looks back at the grainy image of the cop.>>完整场景
353 INT. CAR - A ROAD - ENGLAND - NIGHT 353 CLOSE ON POWELL, as if she is seeing the image of ALIA, driving in silence for a while, lost in thought.>>完整场景
343 INT. ROOM - HICKAM AIR FORCE BASE - NIGHT 343 LUCY, unsettled, but still professional, matches the image of the dead body parts, of the clothing, to the image of Susan Danford taken when she was alive earlier.>>完整场景
340 EXT. PICKUP TRUCK - NAIROBI CITY STREETS - AFTERNOON 340 MUSA cradles ALIA in his arms in the back of the pickup as it speeds its way - horn blaring - through the streets... 341 INT. SQUADRON OPERATIONS ROOM - NIGHT 341 COLONEL WALSH is looking at the Reaper image. It’s just sitting still.>>完整场景
335 INT. BEDROOM SUITE - SINGAPORE - NIGHT 335 JAMES, doubled over with stomach ache, and in shock - with KATE and TOM watching from behind him - stares at the Reaper image on his laptop.>>完整场景
333 INT. PJHQ - LONDON - AFTERNOON 333 POWELL watches as the pickup truck drives out of the image.>>完整场景
It’s a terrible image as they stagger down the street.>>完整场景
322 INT. PJHQ - LONDON - AFTERNOON 322 POWELL, grim, as she looks at the image of ALIA.>>完整场景