
n. 墙壁,围墙;似墙之物


Newt spurred and tried to reach the head of the herd, which was nearer him than anyone. He saw a long line of lightning curl down and strike, but the cattle didn’t stop. He heard the clicking of thousands of horns as the cattle bumped one another. Again he saw the bluish light rolling on the tips of the cattle’s horns, and was glad when the wall of rain came.>>完整场景
Just as Newt mounted, a bolt of lightning struck the edge of the herd not a hundred feet from where the Captain rode. A number of cattle instantly fell, as if clubbed by the same club. It was as if a portion of the wall of cattle had broken and fallen to earth like so many bricks.>>完整场景
It was hailing so thickly that when they did reach the river Mouse jumped off a six-foot bank, throwing Newt. Again, he managed to hang onto his reins, but he was naked, and hailstones were pounding all around him. When he stood up he happened to notice that Mouse made a kind of wall. By crouching close under him Newt avoided most of the hailstones—Mouse absorbed them. Mouse wasn’t happy about it, but since he had taken it upon himself to jump off the bank, Newt didn’t feel very sorry for him.>>完整场景
Newt spurred and tried to reach the head of the herd, which was nearer him than anyone. He saw a long line of lightning curl down and strike, but the cattle didn’t stop. He heard the clicking of thousands of horns as the cattle bumped one another. Again he saw the bluish light rolling on the tips of the cattle’s horns, and was glad when the wall of rain came.>>完整场景
Just as Newt mounted, a bolt of lightning struck the edge of the herd not a hundred feet from where the Captain rode. A number of cattle instantly fell, as if clubbed by the same club. It was as if a portion of the wall of cattle had broken and fallen to earth like so many bricks.>>完整场景
Outside, the rain pelted the long prairies. The roof had a leak in one corner and a little stream of water dripped down one wall.>>完整场景
“The thing about men that don’t talk much is that they don’t usually learn much, either,” Louisa said. She got her sunbonnet off a nail on the wall and tucked her thick brown hair under it.>>完整场景
Hours passed and he still couldn’t get to sleep, though he was plenty tired. It was clear that if the sleeping didn’t improve he was going to be dead on his feet long before he got back to Fort Smith. His eyelids would fall, but then he’d hear something and jerk awake, a process that went on until he was too tired to care whether he died or not. He had been propped up against the wall of the cabin, but he slowly slid down and finally slept, flat on his back.>>完整场景
The wind had become fitful, gusting and then dying, and instead of beating steadily at his back, the sand was fitful too, swirling around him one moment and gone the next. In the flashes of lightning he could see that the sky was clearing high to the east, but a wall of clouds loomed to the west, the lightning darting underneath them.>>完整场景
“Dern, I’m sandy,” he said. “I should have bathed in the river.” He sighed, poured himself a whiskey and sat with his back against the wall, idly running a hand up and down her leg.>>完整场景
“I hope you don’t decide to shoot that thing off in here,” Augustus said. “It’d take a wall out if you did—not to mention us.” “I don’t shoot yet,” Bol said sullenly, keeping his options open.>>完整场景
The sight of a man so addled as to try and get away on a hobbled mule was too much for Deets. He slapped his leg with his big hand and laughed a deep laugh, resting his rifle for a moment on the low adobe wall.>>完整场景
“If it comes to it we’ll eat the donkey,” the bald man said. “What can you do with a donkey anyway?” “Train it to sit on its ass and eat sugar cubes,” the young one said. Then he giggled at his own wit.Newt edged a little closer, his fear rapidly diminishing. Men who could engage in such conversation didn’t seem very dangerous. Just as he was relaxing a hand suddenly gripped his shoulder and for a second he nearly fainted with fright, thinking the bowie knife would hit him next. Then he realized it was Deets. Motioning for him to follow, Deets walked right up to the hut. He did not appear to be worried in the least. When they were a few feet from the broken adobe wall, Newt saw Captain Call step into the circle of firelight from the other side.>>完整场景
“Fort Smith, Arkansas,” Jake said. “Not three weeks ago.” “Well, I’ve always considered dentistry a dangerous profession,” Augustus said. “Making a living by yanking people’s teeth out is asking for trouble.” “He wasn’t even pulling my tooth,” Jake said. “I didn’t even know there was a dentist in the town. I got in a little argument in a saloon and a damn mule skinner threw down on me. Somebody’s old buffalo rifle was leaning against the wall right by me and that’s what I went for. Hell, I was sitting on my own pistols—I never wouldn’t have got to it in time. I wasn’t even playin’ cards with the mule skinner.” “What riled him then?” Gus asked.>>完整场景
You get to the top of the wall, and there's nothing up there.>>完整场景
The wall overhangs the entire way, and it's questionable whether you could ever get down if you got half way up and couldn't go any further.>>完整场景
The biggest one of all was the North American wall on "El Capitan".>>完整场景
We thought a good warm up for Keith would be the North American wall on "El Capitan".>>完整场景
I remember looking through a telescope up at this huge granite wall, and guys climbing thousands of feet up.>>完整场景
Please don't say goodbye I know that most girls Try to keep their flatulence inside But I can't lie I need a man who knows the past A lot of gas, that smells the gas Is here to last for infinity to beyond - Rotting gas - ( vocalizing ) - I farted - ( vocalizing ) - Smells like ass - ( vocalizing ) - I definitely farted - ( vocalizing ) - I think I farted - On a wall - I think I farted - In the bed - I think I farted - On the TV I think I fa a-a-a-a - Rotting gas - ( vocalizing ) I'll be coming round the mountain - When she comes - ( fart noise ) I'll be coming around the mountain when she comes ( fart noise ) Uh, one candle is still... - Oh, one left.>>完整场景
Is Wall Street close to the Brooklyn Bridge?>>完整场景
I don't belong in your office, not with that embroidered sign on the wall.>>完整场景
Because a wall could fall in on you.>>完整场景
She marked up that wall as a distraction.>>完整场景
That wall is 40 feet high.>>完整场景