
adj. 拉紧的;紧张的


Szpilman hears a car engine and the screech of brakes. He tenses. German voices shouting and their heavy footsteps on the stairs.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
EXT. WISNIOWA STREET - NIGHT Dimly lit. Empty street. Szpilman walks fast to the corner, stops, looks round anxiously. Nothing. He takes the armband from his pocket and drops it through the grating of a drain in the gutter just as there's movement in a darkened doorway. Szpilman tenses.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
A distinctive knock on the door. Szpilman tenses but Jehuda beams. To one of his boys: Symche - The boy opens the door to admit a short, neat man, MAJOREK.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
Here is the exercise, Take a clean sheet of paper, and write down goals and today's date and write down ten goals that you would like to accomplish in the next 12 months. and write them in the present tense.
>> 实现目标的7步
Lovejoy, standing behind him, looks over his shoulder at the drawing. Cal crumples Rose's not, then takes the drawing in both hands as if to rip it in half. He tenses to do it, then stops himself.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
(tense but feigning unconcern) Well, I may have to start minding what she reads from now on.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
[starting to seethe] And I needed you. As in past tense. That trumps what you need. It's too late buddy. Sorry. You know what I need? [Tony stands, pushing things off the table with a clatter. Everyone winces at the noise.] I need to shave. And I believe I remember telling all youse - [Tony goes for Steve. Rhodey quickly comes in front of him, trying to stop him.]
>> Avengers: Endgame 复仇者联盟4:终局之战 Movie Script
(tense music) - It's like, what is it?
>> Pearl Harbor: Into The Arizona 珍珠港:亚利桑那号探秘(2016) Movie Script
People are generally tense over the situation. Michael follows his father into the study.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
An Army supply truck comes very close to them, and the Agents next to Pentangeli become very tense. Pentangeli grins. Then the truck passes on, and they relax.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
GREENE stops laughing; the room becomes tense. NERI eyes the BODYGUARDS.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
D.S. smiles and motions for an old monk standing near him to take his place. the old man puts his arm up on Gao's shoulder, and takes a deep breath. He does not tense up his arm and shoulder.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
They take refuge behind a couple of the columns and watch as the monk makes his way past, weaving and throwing kicks and punches. It is a tense moment as the monk comes uncomfortably close to where Drew and Gao are standing, but he walks on.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
Cholo was watching her to see if she was hurt. He loved Clara completely and tried in small ways to make life easier for her, although he had concluded long before that she wasn’t seeking ease. Often in the morning when she came down to the lots she would be somber and would stand by the fence for an hour, not saying a word to anyone. Other times there would be something working in her that scared the horses. He thought of Clara as like the clouds. Sometimes the small black clouds would pour out of the north; they seemed to roll over and over as they swept across the sky, like tumbleweeds. On some mornings things rolled inside Clara, and made her tense and snappish. She could do nothing with the horses on days like that. They became as she was, and Cholo would try gently to persuade her that it was not a good day to do the work. Other days, her spirit was quiet and calm and the horses felt that too. Those were the days they made progress training them.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
For the next few days everyone was tense, expecting Indian attack. Several men took alarm at the sight of what turned out to be sagebrush or low bushes. No one could sleep at night, and even those hands who were not on guard spent much of the night checking and rechecking their ammunition. The Irishman was afraid to sing on night duty for fear of leading the Indians straight to them. In fact, night herding became highly unpopular with everyone, and instead of gambling for money men began to gamble over who took what watch. The midnight watch was the most unpopular. No one wanted to leave the campfire: the men who came in from the watches did so with profound relief, and the men who went out assumed they were going to their deaths. Some almost cried. Needle Nelson trembled so that he could barely get his foot in his stirrup. Jasper Fant sometimes even got off and walked when he was on the far side of the herd, reasoning that the Indians would be less likely to spot him if he was on foot.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Besides, Bob wasn’t really alive, even then—his eyes never flickered. It was only reflex that enabled him to swallow the soup she fed him. That his rod still seemed to live when she bathed him, that, too, was reflex, an obscene joke that life was playing on the two of them. It raised no feelings of tenderness in her, just a feeling of disgust at the cruelties of existence. It seemed to mock her, to make her feel that she was cheating Bob of something, though it was not easy to say what. She had married him, followed him, fed him, worked beside him, borne his children—and yet even as she changed his sheets she felt there was a selfishness in her that she had never mastered. Something had been held back—what it was, considering all that she had done, was hard to say. But she felt it anyway, fair judgment or not, and lay awake on her cot through half the night, tense with self-reproach.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
By the time he lay down to sleep he was more than half convinced that Roscoe knew the truth and would put his mind at ease. Even so, as it was, his mind was far from at ease. He was tense with anger at Peach for being so open with her opinions, particularly the one about Ellie being gone for good.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“I ain’t no pup and you’re a gambling lowlife who let her get stolen,” Dish said coolly. He and Jake faced off, both tense as wires, but Augustus mounted and rode his horse in between them.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Roscoe was fond of the boy, too. Often he and Joe went down to the river to fish for catfish. Sometimes if they made a good catch July would bring Roscoe home for supper, but those occasions were seldom successful. Elmira thought little of Roscoe Brown, and though Roscoe was as nice to her as he could be, the fish suppers were silent, tense affairs.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
To the embarrassment of everyone, Sean O’Brien began to cry. It had been an extremely tense night, and he hadn’t expected to survive it. All during the ride he had expected to fall off his horse and become paralyzed. He associated paralysis with falls because a cousin of his had fallen off a cottage he was thatching and had been paralyzed ever since.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Then he noticed the boy, who looked tense as a wire.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
He try-- I think when people onstage get nervous, the muscle tenses up, they're unable to fart it's very difficult to come up here and fart.
>> Fart: A Documentary Movie Script
You look tense, Claire.
>> 侏罗纪世界1 Jurassic World (2015)Movie Script
His finger tenses on the trigger. Suddenly, his smile vanishes, both eyes pop open, and a terrible thought sweeps across his face. His eyes flick to the side - -
>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
They wait, in tense silence. Hammond adjusts the wilting silk handkerchief in his breast pocket. He notices Malcolm staring at him, his eyes full of disapproval.
>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script