
adj. 机警的;狡猾的


Beyond plenty fast enough for most applications. As a bonus, Solid Cable retains the messages sent in the database for a day by default, which may ease debugging of tricky live update issues.
对于大多数应用程序来说,速度已经足够快了。作为额外的好处,Solid Cable默认情况下会将数据库中发送的消息保留一天,这可能会简化棘手的实时更新问题的调试。
>> Rails8
The WebRTC negotiation is quite complex, and even though things are required to happen in a particular order, responses are triggered asynchronously, making it tricky to get right.
>> webRTC Hotwire and Ruby on Rails
The classic autoloader has been extremely useful, but had a number of issues that made autoloading a bit tricky and confusing at times. Zeitwerk was developed to address this, among other motivations.
>> RubyonRails的一些代码知识点
[Ignoring Steve's question] That's the EPR Paradox. Instead of pushing Lang through time, you might've wound up pushing time through Lang. It's tricky. Dangerous. Somebody should've cautioned you against it.
>> Avengers: Endgame 复仇者联盟4:终局之战 Movie Script
I understand. But handling bullies is tricky.It's easy to make things worse.
>> bully-bullies
“Come on, July,” she said. “These girls mean to see that we keep up our standards.” He put the rifle back in the saddle scabbard and followed her into the house.AS THE HERD wound across the brown prairies toward the Platte, whoring became the only thing the men could talk about. Of course, they always liked to talk about it, but there had been sections of the drive when they occasionally mentioned other things—the weather, cards, the personalities of horses, trials and tribulations of the past. After Jake’s death they had talked a good deal about the vagaries of justice, and what might cause a pleasant man to go bad. Once in a while they might talk about their families, although that usually ended with everyone getting homesick. Though a popular subject, it was tricky to handle.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Before he had gone a mile or two he wished he had thought of another alternative. The plains had always seemed empty, and somehow, with the grass chewed off and him captured by Indians, they seemed even more empty. He began to remember all the stories he had heard about how tricky Indians were and decided these were just laughing to trick him.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“He was a tricky bandit,” Jake said. “For all I know she may have liked him. She never liked me much.” Sally Skull had green eyes, which dilated when she took her powders. She looked at him like a mean cat that was about to pounce on a lizard. Though it was barely sunup they had already been at it, and the grimy sheets were a puddle of sweat.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Okay, this is gonna be tricky. Here, open your present. It's a silk scarf.
>> 社交网络 The Social Network Movie Script
Friday might be tricky but I can just tell my parents I'm staying at Greg's.
>> 钝感之爱 Anesthesia Movie Script
Crazy is a tricky word, Joe.
>> 钝感之爱 Anesthesia Movie Script
The weather condition can be really tricky over there.
>> 狂野非洲 African Safari Movie Script
CU of SOFIE WE PAN to a CU of YUKI Bill says off screen; BILL(O.S.; JAPANESE) If O-Ren was number one, unless she's being tricky, Vernita Green will be number two.
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