
n. 头发;毛发;些微


I lost part of my ear, and my hair was gone, and the skin on my arms, it was hanging down like a sock, and I just pulled it off and threw it down because it was in the way.>>完整场景
BELOW THE WATER men are sucked down with amazing force, every hair on their heads streaming behind them as they're snatched to the depths.>>完整场景
Red moves up beside him to frown at the mirror. His hair is plastered down and parted, his uniform's immaculate.>>完整场景
One guy sits up in bed, his hair pointing every direction of the compass, his tongue working as if to wipe a terrible taste from his mouth. As his feet dangle over the side of the bunk and one of them touches the floor, a sensation reaches his sotted brain; he raises that foot to look at its bottom, and finds a new tattoo, on the sole of his foot; he blinks as if trying to remember how it got there.>>完整场景
EXT. OUTDOOR RESTAURANT - OAHU - DAY Evelyn is off duty, and wears a light cotton dress. She's let her hair down, and her skin has the sheen of light sweat in the tropical heat.>>完整场景
Anthony and Billy are combing their hair at the sinks. Billy declares to his image in the mirror -->>完整场景
Red, tall with flaming orange hair, tips his chin toward the air. Seeing Rafe's plane still in the air, Danny starts to refasten his harness.>>完整场景
It's Danny's FATHER and he's a fearsome sight; drunk, his hair uncombed, his face unshaven, his teeth -- those still left -- are rotting. He's also missing an arm; but the one that's left is potent, and he's shaking Danny with it.>>完整场景
Good. How do you think l got this grey hair?>>完整场景
Slowly, Michael puts his hand on her hair, and touches her gently.>>完整场景
MED. CLOSE VIEW on one of these men, FRANKIE PENTANGELI, approaching his sixties, with gray hair (the little of it left). He's a bit scruffy, this morning's shave of his white beard is not perfect, and he seems tired. He is accompanied by an associate-bodyguard, WILLY CICCI; thin and dark, and also dressed up for the occasion. Frankie tries to get the attention of one of the waiters; a college-groomed young man in white sports jacket and black bow-tie.>>完整场景
INT. CATHOLIC CHURCH - MOVING CLOSE SHOT - DAY A nine year old boy, dressed immaculately in white, with a large white silk bow tied to his shoulder, moving slowly down the aisle of the church with a group of other children dressed in white. He has dark black hair, and his face is unmistakably similar to young Vito's. He moves slowly, his hands clasped around a golden missal. We HEAR only the pure voice of Vito in Sicilian, his sad song reaching out from the past, as ANTHONY CORLEONE, his Grandson, moves on the way to his First Holy Communion more than fifty years later.>>完整场景
Below, FABRIZZIO is sitting in one of the garden chairs, combing his thick hair.>>完整场景
He moves to her; and for a moment just stands before her, looking at her incredible face; her lovely hair and body.>>完整场景
She wore a red dress, and a red ribbon in her hair. She looks more Greek than Italian. Do you know a beauty like that?>>完整场景
And hair. Black and curly, like a doll. And such a mouth.>>完整场景
Her face. Incredibly beautiful with olive skin, black hair and a rich mouth.>>完整场景
Especially those of you who have traveled from such distances as California, St. Louis, Kansas City; and New Orleans... The VIEW PASSES to FRANK FALCONE and ANTHONY MOLINARI, both younger than any of the others; then on to DOMENICK PANZA, short and squat sitting in a wheelchair; then around the table to DON VINCENENZO FORLENZA, who is whispering to his JEWISH ASSISTANT; the VIEW PASSES on to ANTHONY STRACCI, an older man, sipping from a drink and smoking a cigar; OTTILIO CUNEO, in his middle sixties with a jolly round face; then DON PHILLIP TATTAGLIA, a delicate older man with dyed hair and a pencil mustache; and finally, EMILIO BARZINI, in his early sixties, a man to 'respect'; whom we had seen at CONNIE's Wedding.>>完整场景
He reaches under, and pulls her out by the hair.>>完整场景
If Sollozzo shows one hair on his ass he's dead.>>完整场景
In a second, a patrol car makes a screaming turn in front of the hospital; then two more squad cars follow with uniformed POLICE and DETECTIVES. He smiles his relief and starts toward them. TWO huge, burly POLICEMEN suddenly grab his arms while ANOTHER frisks him. A massive POLICE CAPTAIN, spattered with gold braid and scrambled eggs on his hat, with beefy red face and white hair seems furious. This is McCLUSKEY.>>完整场景
OLIVE OIL OFFICES (SUMMER 1945) Looking toward the staircase we can hear SOLLOZZO's footsteps before he actually rises into view. He is a small man, very dark, with curly black hair. But wiry, and tight and hard, and obviously very dangerous. He is greeted at the head of the stairs by SONNY, who takes his hand and shakes it, introducing himself. For a moment, there is a complex of handshaking quite formal, and whispered respectful introductions. Finally, SOLLOZZO is taken into the DON's glass paneled office; the two principals are introduced.>>完整场景
She absolutely adores him and can barely take her eyes from him long enough to thank the various GUESTS for the white envelopes they are putting into the large white purse she holds. In fact, if we watch carefully, we can see that one of her hands is slid under his jacket, and into his shirt, where she is provocatively rubbing the hair on his chest.>>完整场景
WEDDING PARTY (SUMMER 1945) CONNIE CORLEONE, the Bride, is pressing the bodice of her overly-fluffy white gown against the groom, CARLO RIZZI. He is bronzed, with curly blondish hair and lovely dimples.>>完整场景
I'll stay out of your hair.>>完整场景