
n. 军士;警察小队长;海军陆战队中士;高等律师


COLONEL POWELL: I’m sorry, Sergeant, I couldn’t see any other option.>>完整场景
COLONEL POWELL: Thank you, Sergeant.>>完整场景
COLONEL POWELL: I need you to make this work, Sergeant.>>完整场景
SERGEANT GLEESON Checking, Ma’am.>>完整场景
COLONEL POWELL: Forget the bread, Sergeant. We will be lucky if our man hasn’t blown the whole operation.>>完整场景
SERGEANT GLEESON Yes, Ma’am.>>完整场景
“What’s going on?” SERGEANT GLEESON Colonel, General Benson is asking for an update.>>完整场景
A213 INT. PJHQ - LONDON - AFTERNOON A213 A text from BENSON appears on SERGEANT GLEESON’S screen.>>完整场景
COLONEL POWELL: Sergeant, re-run CDE!>>完整场景
SERGEANT GLEESON He’s having second thoughts.>>完整场景
SERGEANT GLEESON Who is that, Ma’am?>>完整场景
SERGEANT GLEESON Yes, Ma’am.>>完整场景
149 INT. PJHQ - LONDON - AFTERNOON 149 POWELL calls to Sergeant GLEESON.>>完整场景
Then types into her chat: “Confirm PID -Abdullah Al-Hady.” 141 INT. PJHQ - LONDON - AFTERNOON 141 SERGEANT GLEESON Ma’am, Hawaii5 confirms Positive ID on Abdullah Al-Hady.>>完整场景
SERGEANT GLEESON I’m sorry, we don’t know, Ma’am.>>完整场景
SERGEANT GLEESON Ma’am, our intelligence only has them arriving in another half hour.>>完整场景
SERGEANT GLEESON It reads... Uh... “Hi sis, arrived safely. Give Mom a big hug for me.” COLONEL POWELL: (dry as hell) How sweet... YELLOW SHOOTING SCRIPT 12 September 2014 24.>>完整场景
SERGEANT GLEESON Ma’am, Condor is texting.>>完整场景
A26 INT. PJHQ - LONDON - MORNING A26 A text pops up on SERGEANT GLEESON’S screen: “Showman50: Sea Hawk has left the airport.” SERGEANT GLEESON Ma’am... Sea Hawk is in and traveling.>>完整场景
COLONEL POWELL: Sergeant, next time, you clear it with me before you change the loadout, understand?>>完整场景
SERGEANT MUSHTAQ hands POWELL a report.>>完整场景
Among them is SERGEANT MIKE GLEESON, 28, an OPS WATCHKEEPER and SERGEANT MUSHTAQ SADDIQ, 27, a targeteer.>>完整场景
ANGLE PAST DESK SERGEANT, F.G. - ON FRONT DOORS, the officer is absorbed in paperwork, not watching as a pair of lights get BRIGHTER outside the doors. RAPIDLY. He glances up at the last second as the glare falls fully on him. CRASH!>>完整场景
Terminator approaches the Desk Sergeant who barely glances up when he speaks.>>完整场景
160 INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT FOYER - NIGHT 160 Silberman can be seen through a glass partition next to the bullet-proof glass booth enclosing the NIGHT DESK SERGEANT'S counter. The Sergeant hits a button and there is a loud BULL-CLACK. The electric bolt on the security door opens and Silberman steps out.>>完整场景