
n. 破布;碎屑


PFC William Santiago threatens to rat on Dawson to the Naval investigative Service. Dawson and another member of his squad, PFC Louden Downey, they go into Santiago's room, tie him up, and stuff a rag down his throat. An hour later, Santiago's dead. Attending physician says the rag was treated with some kind of toxin.
>> 好人寥寥 A Few Good Men Movie Script
Listening to her rag... If I were tripping, I'd jump out a f***ing window.
>> 永无止境 Limitless Movie Script
- Why do you rag on me so much? What did I do?
>> 异种教师 The Faculty Movie Script
330. The ragged man drags a waggon of rag fragments.
>> 800句帮助你记相似单词的句子
Gordy wipes his hands on a rag, throws it on the grenade.
>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
He wipes with a rag to clear the electronic eye's vision.
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
RESUME MEDIUM, as Terminator uses a rag to wipe away the blood. With small screwdrivers he begins to patiently dis- assemble the damaged mechanism around the 12-guage hit.
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
Phillippe?! Why do you call me -- Now Louis understands everything. He tries to struggle, but instantly Porthos shoves a rag into his mouth.
>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script
Get that f***ing rag down! I need another handle for this tub.
>> 战争之王 Lord Of War Movie Script
What cavalry?! SMASH!!! The Protagonist and Kat are THROWN LIKE RAG DOLLS across the car – the Mercedes has SWIPED the nose of the Audi – Volkov lays down COVER FIRE, pinning Neil as Sator’s men descend on the CRASHED Audi and pull the PROTAGONIST out of the car – shoving him around the back of the Mercedes. Kat is pulled from the wreck and put into the Mercedes – As they put the Protagonist INTO THE TRUNK, he sees Sator MOVING BACKWARDS behind the line of cars, from the BMW... EXT. DOCKSIDE AREA, EDGE OF TALLINN – MOMENTS LATER The TRUNK OPENS – the Protagonist is PULLED OUT. Marched towards an entrance, he sees, through a steel fence dividing the yard in two, SATOR, IN RESPIRATOR, WALKING BACKWARDS, PULLING KAT, FORWARDS, TOWARDS A DIFFERENT ENTRANCE... The Protagonist passes a stack of SHIPPING CONTAINERS, several of which are marked OSLO FREEPORT... INT. STORAGE FACILITY, TALLINN FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist is taken past the table of weapons, through a large door, and through RED DOORS with a PORTHOLE... INT. TURNSTILE, TALLINN FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS Into A LONG CHAMBER DIVIDED IN TWO BY A GLASS WINDOW – A MUCH BIGGER VERSION OF THE ROTAS VAULT. The Russians push the Protagonist into a chair. This side is lit by RED LIGHT.
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
Ukrainian SWATs pour out of the SWAT van – The Americans JUMP out of the back of their van, SLIPPING UNNOTICED INTO THE STREAM OF SWATS pouring into the lobby... INT. LOBBY, CONCERT HALL – CONTINUOUS SWATs mass at each entrance... the Protagonist watches GAS CANISTERS brought in TO THE AIR-CONDITIONING SYSTEM. The SWATs pull on GAS MASKS... INT. BOX, CONCERT HALL – CONTINUOUS A WELL-DRESSED MAN sitting next to a UNIFORMED OFFICIAL looks down into the stalls – people SLUMP, UNCONSCIOUS, IN A WAVE... He turns to the Official – who motions calm, draws a SIDEARM... INT. THEATRE, CONCERT HALL – CONTINUOUS A Terrorist wets a rag in a drinking fountain, ties it around his nose and mouth. Others have WORKMAN’S RESPIRATORS AND FACE MASKS. They COCK THEIR WEAPONS, preparing... INT. LOBBY, CONCERT HALL – CONTINUOUS THE SWATS BREACH – POURING into the theatre – exchange GUNFIRE with the TERRORISTS... INT. CURVING CORRIDOR – DAY RUNNING. Fast but silent... FOLLOW the four Americans – they hit a junction – hand signals – they SPLIT two ways – FOLLOW two of them – one of them PEELS OFF up a staircase – FOLLOW the last, the Protagonist – checking each box... INT. BOX, CONCERT HALL – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist BURSTS in – takes out the Official beside the Well-Dressed Man –
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
THE BAT-MAN (V.O.) (CONT'D) They are like rag dolls to me now.
>> 蝙蝠侠:元年 Batman: Year One Movie Script
Andy starts screaming, muffled by the rag. CAMERA PULLS BACK, SLOWLY WIDENING. The big Washex blocks our view. All we see is Andy's screaming face and the men holding him down and CAMERA DRIFTS FROM THE ROOM, leaving the dark place and the dingy act behind...MOVING up empty corridors, past concrete walls and steel pipes... RED (V.O.) I wish I could tell you that Andy fought the good fight, and the Sisters let him be. I wish I could tell you that, but prison is no fairy-tale world.
>> 肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script
Andy gets yanked to his feet. Bogs applies a chokehold from behind. They propel him across the room and slam him against an old four-pocket machine, bending him over it. Rooster jams a rag into Andy's mouth and secures it with a steel pipe, like a horse bit. Andy kicks and struggles, but Rooster and Pete have his arms firmly pinned. Bogs whispers in Andy's ear:
>> 肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script
He raises a bottle of bourbon and knocks it back. The radio plays softly, painfully romantic, taunting him: You stepped out of a dream... You are too wonderful... To be what you seem... He opens the glove compartment, pulls out an object wrapped in a rag. He lays it in his lap and unwraps it carefully -- -- revealing a .38 revolver. Oily, black, evil.
>> 肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script
Like a discarded rag doll, Go Go Yubari TUMBLES down the staircase landing in a pile at the Bride's feet. Dead before the tumble began.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
A truck splashes mud onto Forrest as it goes by. The man hands Forrest a yellow T-shirt to use as a rag to wipe the mud off.
>> 阿甘正传 Forrest Gump Movie Script
When I get home - A HAND reaches into frame and shoves a rag into Paul's mouth.
>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script
(whispers) Vincent... I'm sorry I didn't help you... I can try to help you now. Vincent turns to the sink. His hand goes in. He turns arund and raises a gun at Malcolm. He FIRES. A VIOLENT, EAR-SHATTERING ECHO. Malcolm clutches his stomach and folds like a rag doll onto the bed. Vincent instantly moves the gun to his own head. ANOTHER HORRIFIC BLAST SPIKES THE AIR. Vincent crumples onto the bathroom floor. ANNA'S CHILLING SCREAMS FILL THEIR HOME.
>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script