
vt. 排泄;疏散,撤退


You must evacuate.>>完整场景
They said we had to evacuate.>>完整场景
You need to evacuate the containment area.>>完整场景
We had to evacuate.>>完整场景
Director we have to evacuate!>>完整场景
- We have to evacuate the area now!>>完整场景
358 INT. CORRIDORS 358 Institute personnel evacuate offices.>>完整场景
Fine, fine. The same around here...but the fires in Malibu are getting worse. People are having to evacuate.>>完整场景
...and although the exact degree of danger has not yet been determined, all residents of San Angelo are requested by Chief of Police Dan Corey of that city, to be fully prepared to evacuate if it becomes necessary.>>完整场景
Cease fire... one more hour, two... just to evacuate our wounded.>>完整场景