vt. 排泄;疏散,撤退
- You must evacuate.>> 澳大利亚乱世情 Australia Movie Script
- They said we had to evacuate.>> 侏罗纪世界1 Jurassic World (2015)Movie Script
- Evacuate the island.>> 侏罗纪世界1 Jurassic World (2015)Movie Script
- You need to evacuate the containment area.>> 侏罗纪世界1 Jurassic World (2015)Movie Script
- We had to evacuate.>> 侏罗纪公园2 The Lost World Jurassic Park (1997)Movie Script
- Director we have to evacuate!>> 长城 The Great Wall Movie Script
- - We have to evacuate the area now!>> 异形降临 Alien Dawn Movie Script
- 358 INT. CORRIDORS 358 Institute personnel evacuate offices.>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
- Fine, fine. The same around here...but the fires in Malibu are getting worse. People are having to evacuate.>> 在某处Somewhere Movie Script
- ...and although the exact degree of danger has not yet been determined, all residents of San Angelo are requested by Chief of Police Dan Corey of that city, to be fully prepared to evacuate if it becomes necessary.>> 巨石怪 The Monolith Monsters Movie Script
- Evacuate? The entire town?>> 巨石怪 The Monolith Monsters Movie Script
- Cease fire... one more hour, two... just to evacuate our wounded.>> 遥远的桥A Bridge Too Far Movie Script
- Evacuate the headquarters.>> 遥远的桥A Bridge Too Far Movie Script
- The Protagonist GRABS the last bomb:
- ‘0:03’... he looks up to the boxes, where REAL SWATS EVACUATE THE HIGH OFFICIALS... THE PROTAGONIST LOBS THE BOMBS UP INTO THE BOXES... EXT. PLAZA, DOWNTOWN KIEV – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist and ‘Target’ emerge – an EXPLOSION above them - INT. THEATRE, CONCERT HALL – CONTINUOUS INNOCENT CIVILIANS STIR under the EXPLOSION IN THE BOXES – EXT. PLAZA, DOWNTOWN KIEV – CONTINUOUS The van PULLS UP – rear door open – they JUMP INSIDE – INT. VAN – MOMENTS LATER The Protagonist pulls off his mask. BREATHING. The Passenger turns – grabs the ‘Target’s face, SOMETHING WRONG... the Protagonist turns to the Driver – WHO HAS A GUN POINTED AT HIM ...>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- Evacuate the city.>> Pacific Rim 环太平洋 Movie Script
- Lt. Vasquez:
Roger that we're on our way! Jackson brings Pelayo to the Sea Knight while Vasquez and the team provide cover fire to hold down the corners from more incoming enemy forces. He then sets her down. She groans in pain from her injured leg (in the Remastered version, he puts her down and Pelayo draws out her MP5 to fend off more insurgents). Jackson turns around to hold off hostiles with Crew Chief Lt. Volker as the team evacuates.>> Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script