
n. 过去;往事


The gas station is past our hotel.>>完整场景
The parking lot is past the traffic light. The parking lot is past the restaurant.>>完整场景
There's a parking space past that black car.>>完整场景
! Hope this Tell me you do not want to meet him - Why? - Because I do not like to do is tell me what "I do not like to be" restricted And it is getting worse because I have not heard anything from him two years ago (It's the Roman god (Jannis Amy gave me them when I was small Imports to teach me that people have Both sides, good side and bad side Past and future We have to find Monday in the person who Snhabh ! I have tried How to look?>>完整场景
It's past that highway!>>完整场景
ANGLE ON TREVOR: Who spots drew standing near the ring. He walks past him, trying to place his face. Then, he comes back and walks right up to Drew and slaps him on the back.>>完整场景
He goes past the few remaining statues, and is out of the Wooden Man Chamber. All that is left is to walk down a little hallway and out the door.>>完整场景
ANGLE ON DREW, GAO AND THE DISCIPLES As they all agree as one to hightail out of there. They go running past the Headmistress and out the door, full speed.>>完整场景
They take refuge behind a couple of the columns and watch as the monk makes his way past, weaving and throwing kicks and punches. It is a tense moment as the monk comes uncomfortably close to where Drew and Gao are standing, but he walks on.>>完整场景
This sure beats sweeping... ANGLE ON FRISBEE Floating past temple statues and ancient Chinese decorations, barely missing them.>>完整场景
MONK (CONT'D) Your training begins today, in this most sacred of training halls. The floor bears witness to the efforts of fighting monks from centuries past.>>完整场景
Gao walks over past Drew.>>完整场景
They parade past a line of monks assembled in the courtyard inside the temple.>>完整场景
San De, the sweeping monk, walks out of the open door, a monk behind him carrying a suitcase. He walks past Drew, noticing him sitting there. He walks on.>>完整场景
He walks past a couple of the stalls, looking at the people running them. He doesn't see Ashema. He passes a tea stall, where one old man is sitting down sipping his tea.>>完整场景
Drew continues his run, past a group of western-dressed lyou mang, who watch him run by through dark glasses.>>完整场景
They are not talking, they are just walking, Drew kicking a can and contemplating the future, and the past.>>完整场景
(SOME IDEAS, NOT IN ORDER) Competitors warming up (wall front stretch, very high; one guy kicking another in the head – tap, tap, tap; two man routine practicing – another one jumps in?; two beautiful girls sparring; crowd assembling; group of kids waiting – call comes over public address system, they run off; stand outside selling high tech equipment; different styles of fighter's clothes – camo, stars & stripes, "headhunter"; stern 9 year old girl doing kata; two toddlers barely seen through their safety equipment fighting furiously; two twins doing identical kata; breaking; etc.) ANGLE ON DREW AND KWAN Walk into the area – Drew is dressed in the ill-fitting handmade suit by Mrs. Rodriguez. People recognize him as he walks past.>>完整场景
YOUNG ADULT: Sifu Kwan, was that long enough? It's been 10 minutes... Sifu Kwan shakes his head and puts his hands behind his back as he walks past the student.>>完整场景
I've come to realise my past crimes.>>完整场景
Every time you walk past this place, you sh*t in your pants.>>完整场景
walking blind through the grove of trees. He moves to the Secret Knot, hesitates, then moves past it.>>完整场景
BUTTERCUP: and her face is sad. Pallid, perhaps ill. She wanders down a corridor in Florin Castle. As she moves unseeing past an intersecting corridor:>>完整场景
THE LIGHTNING SAND as Westley, lungs long past the bursting point, explodes out; he has Buttercup across his shoulders and as he pulls to the edge of the lightning sand pit, using the vine -->>完整场景
THE MAN IN BLACK stepping past the corpse, taking the blindfold and bindings off Buttercup, who notices Vizzini lying dead.>>完整场景