
adj. 近的;近似的;亲近的


The blinds are closed, and so the room is dark, and with patterned shadows. We are watching BONASERA over the shoulder of DON CORLEONE. TOM HAGEN sits near a small table, examining some paperwork, and SONNY CORLEONE stands impatiently by the window nearest his father, sipping from a glass of wine. We can HEAR music, and the laughter and voices of many people outside.>>完整场景
All right, Lorenzo, toggle to the camera near the thermometer.>>完整场景
But it's getting harder for kids like me to get anywhere near that stuff.>>完整场景
You say we'll find work near Mantua?>>完整场景
We camped near Verona.>>完整场景
It seems that other people follow our This may be fun Well, stay near But not very close to And get ready for an intervention - Well - Yes, 744 million Do not you think that we will not know about this "And on the special account in the" to Ictinstein ! I do not know what you are talking about Listen ...Stupid I know everything about you I even know how much did it cost you this face I have paid 24 million surgeon br "In a special account in the" Switzerland I know how to prove this ...But why should I do this ...Because I Sodek in wooden box To tell me where the money lies?>>完整场景
But Eggmanland is supposed to be really near.>>完整场景
ANGLE ON TREVOR: Who spots drew standing near the ring. He walks past him, trying to place his face. Then, he comes back and walks right up to Drew and slaps him on the back.>>完整场景
He gets to the door and looks for a handle on the door. He spots a handhold near the top of the door, and pulls it with his hand.>>完整场景
The view is incredible. Drew stands looking at the view, and slowly becomes aware of a figure sitting on the ground near him.>>完整场景
D.S. smiles and motions for an old monk standing near him to take his place. the old man puts his arm up on Gao's shoulder, and takes a deep breath. He does not tense up his arm and shoulder.>>完整场景
Trevor indicates a seat near him, much lower than the one he is sitting in. The Korean master prefers to remain standing.>>完整场景
He moves on, studying the room with his eyes, often glancing toward the door, and then toward the small clock on a table near the door. It is late, and Kwan is obviously waiting for someone to arrive. As he is waiting, a young STUDENT comes up to Kwan.>>完整场景
As Vizzini screams we: DISSOLVE TO: THE SAILBOAT RACING ACROSS THE DARK WATERS Inigo is at the helm, FEZZIK stands near the body of the princess, whose eyelids flutter slightly -- or do they?>>完整场景
WESTLEY AND BUTTERCUP They stand near the gate to the farm, locked in an embrace.>>完整场景
DISSOLVE TO: WESTLEY, outside, chopping wood. Buttercup drops two large buckets near him.>>完整场景
He's nowhere near the Ares 4.>>完整场景
And planted that flag... so we would never be stupid enough to accidentally go near it again.>>完整场景
“Burnt,” Dillard whispered. “Burnt near a year ago.” “What started the fire?” Call asked.>>完整场景
“Mister, you ain’t nowhere near the graveyard,” the man said. He had even waxed his mustache and was altogether too shiny for Call’s taste.>>完整场景
Once he struck Wyoming, he rode for eleven days without seeing a soul. The buggy held up well, but Greasy lost flesh from the pace Call kept up. The coffin got some bad jolts crossing the gullies near the Powder River, but the reinforcements held it together.>>完整场景
“Well, here we are,” he said wearily. “I guess we’ll just have to do the work.” The Texas bull was standing a hundred yards or so away with a small group of cows. When the riders drew near, he began to bellow and paw the earth. It irritated him if he saw several riders together, though he had not charged anyone lately.>>完整场景
She sat silently, not watching, while July sat just as silently. He could not help but wish that Dish Boggett had got lost in Wyoming or had somehow gone on to Texas. Hardly a day passed without him seeing what he thought were signs that Clara was taken with the man. Sooner or later, when Dish gave up on Lorena, he would be bound to notice. July felt helpless—there was nothing he could do about it. Sometimes he sat near Lorena, feeling that he had more in common with her than with anyone else at the ranch. She loved a dead man, he a woman who hardly noticed him. But whatever they had in common didn’t cause Lorena to so much as look his way. Lorena looked more beautiful than ever, but it was a grave beauty since news of the death had come. Only the young girl, Betsey, who loved Lorena completely, could occasionally bring a spark of life to her eyes. If Betsey was ill, Lorena nursed her tirelessly, taking her into her own bed and singing to her. They read stories together, Betsey doing the reading. Lorena could only piece out a few words—the sisters planned to teach her reading, but knew it would have to wait until she felt better.>>完整场景
Pea Eye, who had been off near the lots trying to loosen his bowels—the main effect on Montana had been to constipate him—missed the preparations for leave-taking. He had been in a sorrowful mood ever since the report had come back on Gus, and the sight of Dish ready to ride off upset him all over again.>>完整场景
Call was short with Major Court. He had been short with everyone since Gus’s death. Everyone wondered when he would stop going north, but no one dared ask. There had been several light snows, and when they crossed the Missouri, it was so cold that the men built a huge fire on the north bank to warm up. Jasper Fant came near to realizing his lifelong fear of drowning when his horse spooked at a beaver and shook him off into the icy water. Fortunately Ben Rainey caught him and pulled him ashore. Jasper was blue with cold; even though they covered him with blankets and got him to the fire, it was a while before he could be convinced that he was alive.>>完整场景