
n. 慷慨,大方;宽宏大量


I accept your generosity...
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
Why do you come to me? Why do I deserve your generosity?
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
It seemed to her, after a month of it, that she was carrying Bob away with those sheets; he had already lost much weightand every morning seemed a little thinner to her. The large body that had lain beside her so many nights, that had warmed her in the icy nights, that had covered her those many times through the years and given her five children, was dribbling away as offal, and there was nothing she could do about it. The doctors in Ogallala said Bob’s skull was fractured; you couldn’t put a splint on a skull; probably he’d die. And yet he wasn’t dead. Often when she was cleaning him, bathing his soiled loins and thighs with warm water, the stem of life between his legs would raise itself, growing as if a fractured skull meant nothing to it. Clara cried at the sight—what it meant to her was that Bob still hoped for a boy. He couldn’t talk or turn himself, and he would never beat another horse, most likely, but he still wanted a boy. The stem let her know it, night after night, when all she came in to do was clean the stains from a dying body. She would roll Bob on his side and hold him there for a while, for his back and legs were developing terrible bedsores. She was afraid to turn him on his belly for fear he might suffocate, but she would hold him on his side for an hour, sometimes napping as she held him. Then she would roil him back and cover him and go back to her cot, often to lie awake half the night, looking at the prairies, sad beyond tears at the ways of things. There Bob lay, barely alive, his ribs showing more every morning, still wanting a boy. I could do it, she thought—would it save him if I did? I could go through it one more time—the pregnancy, the fear, the sore nipples, the worry—and maybe it would be a boy. Though she had borne five children, she sometimes felt barren, lying on her cot at night. She felt she was ignoring her husband’s last wish—that if she had any generosity she would do it for him. How could she lie night after night and ignore the strange, mute urgings of a dying man, one who had never been anything but kind to her, in his clumsy way. Bob, dying, still wanted her to make a little Bob. Sometimes in the long silent nights she felt she must be going crazy to think about such things, in such a way. And yet she came to dread having to go to him at night; it became as hard as anything she had had to do in her marriage. It was so hard that at times she wished Bob would go on and die, if he couldn’t get well. The truth was, she didn’t want another child, particularly not another boy. Somehow she felt confident she could keep her girls alive—but she lacked that confidence where boys were concerned. She remembered too well the days of icy terror and restless pain as she listened to Jim cough his way to death. She remembered her hatred of, and helplessness before, the fevers that had taken Jeff and Johnny. Not again, she thought—I won’t live that again, even for you, Bob. The memory of the fear that had torn her as her children approached death was the most vivid of her life: she could remember the coughings, the painful breathing. She never wanted to listen helplessly to such again.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Here, you take this,” he said, surprised at his own generosity.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Tonight, I, Angel Dupree, photographer for the N. Y. Post, - - had the chance to study grace and generosity in dire circumstances.
>> 倾城佳话 It Could Happen to You (1994) Movie Script
[Shouting] Thanks to the generosity of local businesses.
>> 火箭小子-十月的天空 1999 October Sky Movie Script
If I learn that your sudden generosity was an attempt... to buy our acquiescence in your sharing my information... with, let us say, CIA or Ml6 or Mossad- I don't work for Ml6 or CIA - You have no idea who you work for.
>> 慕尼黑Munich Movie Script
Fraud is such an ugly word... considering the financial generosity... that Mr. Melon has shown towards our fine university.
>> 大儿子小爸爸 Back to School Movie Script
Beatrix, in a moment of enormous generosity, allows herself, one final tear, shed for her corrupter, her enemy, the father of her child,...her MAN. The tear is for her as well. For she's very aware she will never ever be completely any other man's WOMAN.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
As Bill tells this story, it will be illustrated On Screen by footage from Old Shaw Brothers Martial arts flicks of the 70's. Especially Films that feature Chinese Actor LO LIEH as the old, white-haired, white-eyebrowed Villian "PAI MEI." BILL(V.O.; CONT'D) ...head priest of The White Lotus Clan, Pai Mei, was walking down the road, contemplating whatever a man with Pai Mei's infinite power would contemplate -- Which is another way of saying, who knows. When, a Shaolin monk appeared on the road traveling in the opposite direction. As the monk and the priest crossed paths...Pai Mei -- in a practically unfathomable display of generosity, gave the monk the slightest of nods. The nod, was not returned. Was it the intention of the Shaolin monk to insult Pai Mei? Or, did he just fail to see the generous social gesture?
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script