
adj. 受约束的;装有封面的;有义务的


OVERHEAD SHOT - EXT. CEMETERY - NIGHT We look down on a spooky Texas graveyard... Tombstones...Graves...Dirt...Low-hanging fog. This could be the opening shot of a Texas zombie movie. We also see TWO MEN WITH SHOVELS(one which is Budd, the other which is ERNIE) digging up a grave. Budd's beat-to-sh*t pickup is in the shot too. Its headlight beams shining on the two men. And last but not least, The Bride, bound and gagged, lying in the flatbed of Budd's pickup.
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Play a game of luck long enough you're bound to meet some lucky people.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
THE BRIDE(V.O.) The man who seems bound and determined to break the mood is Boss Tanaka. And what Boss Tanaka thinks is... Boss Tanaka brings his fist down on the table, smashing the plate in front of him into itty bitty pieces.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
Bell whips the tarp back to expose eight corpses wrapped blue sheeting bound with tape.
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It nice it happen to you. It like you came to Cat Island and you had a holiday, sun didn't burn you red, just brown, sleep no mosquito eat you, rum no pound you head nex' day. But trut' is, dat bound to happen, you stay long enough. So tak dat nice picture home wi' you, but don' be fooled. We lonely here mostly, too. If we lucky, we got some nice pictures.Easter drifts into silence, her eyes and Joe's meet, a sense they understand each other. Easter shifts, trying hard to ease her discomfort.
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